/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.HashMap; /** * A Fibonacci Heap, as described in Introduction to Algorithms by * Charles E. Leiserson, Thomas H. Cormen, Ronald L. Rivest. * *

* * A Fibonacci heap is a very efficient data structure for priority * queuing. * */ public class FibonacciHeap { private FibonacciHeapNode min; private HashMap itemsToNodes; // private node class private static class FibonacciHeapNode { private Object userObject; private int priority; private FibonacciHeapNode parent; private FibonacciHeapNode prevSibling; private FibonacciHeapNode nextSibling; private FibonacciHeapNode child; private int degree; private boolean mark; FibonacciHeapNode(Object userObject, int priority) { this.userObject= userObject; this.priority= priority; this.parent= null; this.prevSibling= this; this.nextSibling= this; this.child= null; this.degree= 0; this.mark= false; } public String toString() { return "["+userObject+", "+degree+"]"; } } /** * Creates a new FibonacciHeap. */ public FibonacciHeap() { this.min= null; this.itemsToNodes= new HashMap(); } /** * Adds the Object item, with the supplied * priority. */ public void add(Object item, int priority) { if (itemsToNodes.containsKey(item)) throw new IllegalStateException("heap already contains item! (item= " + item + ")"); FibonacciHeapNode newNode= new FibonacciHeapNode(item, priority); itemsToNodes.put(item, newNode); if (min == null) { min= newNode; } else { concatenateSiblings(newNode, min); if (newNode.priority < min.priority) min= newNode; } } /** * Returns true if item exists in this * FibonacciHeap, false otherwise. */ public boolean contains(Object item) { return itemsToNodes.containsKey(item); } // makes x's nextSibling and prevSibling point to itself private void removeFromSiblings(FibonacciHeapNode x) { if (x.nextSibling == x) return; x.nextSibling.prevSibling= x.prevSibling; x.prevSibling.nextSibling= x.nextSibling; x.nextSibling= x; x.prevSibling= x; } // joins siblings lists of a and b private void concatenateSiblings(FibonacciHeapNode a, FibonacciHeapNode b) { a.nextSibling.prevSibling= b; b.nextSibling.prevSibling= a; FibonacciHeapNode origAnext= a.nextSibling; a.nextSibling= b.nextSibling; b.nextSibling= origAnext; } /** * Returns the same Object that {@link #popMin()} would, without * removing it. */ public Object peekMin() { if (min == null) return null; return min.userObject; } /** * Returns the number of objects in the heap. */ public int size() { return itemsToNodes.size(); } /** * Returns the object which has the lowest priority in the * heap. If the heap is empty, null is returned. */ public Object popMin() { if (min == null) return null; if (min.child != null) { FibonacciHeapNode tmp= min.child; // rempve parent pointers to min while (tmp.parent != null) { tmp.parent= null; tmp= tmp.nextSibling; } // add children of min to root list concatenateSiblings(tmp, min); } // remove min from root list FibonacciHeapNode oldMin= min; if (min.nextSibling == min) { min= null; } else { min= min.nextSibling; removeFromSiblings(oldMin); consolidate(); } itemsToNodes.remove(oldMin.userObject); return oldMin.userObject; } // consolidates heaps of same degree private void consolidate() { int size= size(); FibonacciHeapNode[] newRoots= new FibonacciHeapNode[size]; FibonacciHeapNode node= min; FibonacciHeapNode start= min; do { FibonacciHeapNode x= node; int currDegree= node.degree; while (newRoots[currDegree] != null) { FibonacciHeapNode y= newRoots[currDegree]; if (x.priority > y.priority) { FibonacciHeapNode tmp= x; x= y; y= tmp; } if (y == start) { start= start.nextSibling; } if (y == node) { node= node.prevSibling; } link(y, x); newRoots[currDegree++]= null; } newRoots[currDegree]= x; node= node.nextSibling; } while (node != start); min= null; for (int i= 0; i < newRoots.length; i++) if (newRoots[i] != null) { if ( (min == null) || (newRoots[i].priority < min.priority) ) min= newRoots[i]; } } // links y under x private void link(FibonacciHeapNode y, FibonacciHeapNode x) { removeFromSiblings(y); y.parent= x; if (x.child == null) x.child= y; else concatenateSiblings(x.child, y); x.degree++; y.mark= false; } /** * Decreases the priority value associated with * item. * *

* * item must exist in the heap, and it's current * priority must be greater than priority. * * @throws IllegalStateException if item does not exist * in the heap, or if item already has an equal or * lower priority than the suppliedpriority. */ public void decreaseKey(Object item, int priority) { FibonacciHeapNode node= (FibonacciHeapNode) itemsToNodes.get(item); if (node == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No such element: " + item); if (node.priority < priority) throw new IllegalStateException("decreaseKey(" + item + ", " + priority + ") called, but priority=" + node.priority); node.priority= priority; FibonacciHeapNode parent= node.parent; if ( (parent != null) && (node.priority < parent.priority) ) { cut(node, parent); cascadingCut(parent); } if (node.priority < min.priority) min= node; } // cut node x from below y private void cut(FibonacciHeapNode x, FibonacciHeapNode y) { // remove x from y's children if (y.child == x) y.child= x.nextSibling; if (y.child == x) y.child= null; y.degree--; removeFromSiblings(x); concatenateSiblings(x, min); x.parent= null; x.mark= false; } private void cascadingCut(FibonacciHeapNode y) { FibonacciHeapNode z= y.parent; if (z != null) { if (!y.mark) { y.mark= true; } else { cut(y, z); cascadingCut(z); } } } }