Lecture INF5510 2017-01-18 Intro to course via slides, ?Distribuerte Objekter F1 2017.pptx? Learning-by-doing Exam format Introduced to the slow speed of light (merely 300,000 km/s). Defined a light-foot: time it takes light to travel 1 foot is one nanosecond (1 ms) Introduction to PlanetLab (sign up instructions, see under Resources on the course web page). Agreement on when to meet: 1/2-2017 10-12 in Java 8/2-2017 10-12 in Java 10/2-2017 9-16 in room to be determined; includes lunch break 12-14 (or perhaps 12-13). Introduction to Emerald Contributions of Emerald Reading assignment before next lecture on February 1st: read the SP&E article and perhaps take a look at the Emerald Language report - both uploaded to ?Resources?.