Welcome to MAT3100!

Welcome to MAT3100! The first lecture will be on 12th January, and we will be in aud. 5 VB (see the calendar). Hopefully there will be no restrictions on meeting up for the lectures, but due to the ongoing corona pandemic all lectures will also be made available as recordings. I will also use zoom so that the lectues can also be followed live. 

The syllabus has been updated (we use leganto), as well as the calendar. In addition, the lecture notes are also part of the syllabus, and will be made available continuously.

We will use the fifth edition of Vanderbei's book. I believe it will cause no problem if you already have the fourth edition.


Publisert 11. des. 2020 12:52 - Sist endret 11. des. 2020 13:10