car = read.table("", sep=",", header=T) head(car) ############################################################################## ####Exercise 3.2c) from the book ############################################################################## #We study the dataset car claimSizeAll = as.numeric(car$claimcst0) # A numeric vector, between 0 and infinity claimSize = claimSizeAll[(claimSizeAll > 0)]/1000 # Exclude(!) all data where claim_i=0, scale by 1/1000 (as explained in the book on page 15 in the book) #let claimSize be gamma(nu, mu) as equation 2.6 in the Jong and Heller #find the MLE functions: MLE = function(params){ nu=params[1] mu=params[2] n=length(claimSize) LogLik=(nu-1)*sum(log(claimSize)) - n*log(gamma(nu)) + n*nu*log(nu/mu) - nu/mu*sum(claimSize) return(-LogLik) } init = c(2,2) est = optim(par=init, fn=MLE)$par #\hat{nu}, \hat{mu} nu = est[1] mu = est[2] #optim is a minimiser: minimize -LogLik i.e. maximizes LogLik. #re-parameterise to alpha=shape, beta=rate as explained in the book on page 28, because this is the parameterisation R uses. alpha_est = nu beta_est = nu/mu #PLOT par(mfrow=c(1,2)) hist(claimSize, xlim=c(0,15), 100) #For clarity the horizontal axis is truncated at 15. x = seq(from=1, to=15, by=0.1) plot(x, dgamma(x, shape=alpha_est, rate = beta_est), ylab="P(claimSize)", col="red", type="l") ############################################################################## ####Exercise 3.3d) from the book #let claimSize be IG(mu, sigma^2) ############################################################################## #find MLE: MLE = function(params){ mu=params[1] sigma2=params[2] LogLik=sum(-log(sqrt(2*pi*claimSize^3*sigma2)) - 1/(2*claimSize)*((claimSize-mu)/(mu*sigma2))^2) return(-LogLik) } init = c(2,2) est = optim(init, MLE)$par #\hat{nu}, \hat{mu} mu_est = est[1] sigma2_est = est[2] y = seq(from=1, to=15, by=0.5) fy = 1/sqrt(2*pi*y^3*sigma2_est)*exp(-1/(2*y)*((y-mu_est)/(mu_est*sigma2_est))^2) #calculate the IG pdf. lines(y, fy, ylab="P(claimSize)", col="blue", type="l") legend("topleft",legend=c("gamma","IG"),col=c("red","blue"),lty=1)