* Exam 2008 problem #1 part (c) (to be done without utilizing any results from (a), (b)) * Exam 2009 problem #1 (a), (b) From the compendium: * 1-07 (recall the definition of orthogonality: dot product = 0) * 1-13 * 2-04 * Let g(y) = f(Ay), where y is an n-vector and A is a matrix of order m by n. (a) Calculate the gradient and Hessian of g and express them as matrix products. Be careful to get everything in the right order. (b) Let (r_i transposed) be row number i of A, and let c_i be column number i. Which one of f(r_i) or f(c_i) is well-defined for every m? Denote the well-defined one as z_i. (c) Let h(y) = g(y) - (z transposed) y. Calculate the gradient and Hessian of h. (d) Suppose g is convex and that we are given the problem to maximize h subject to y being in a given compact (= closed and bounded) set C. Show that the maximum must be on the boundary. (e) use part (d) to find the maximum in the case where n = 2, and S is the set of all y_i ¡Ý 0, such that their sum is ¡Ü1. (In case of character set issues: the ¡Ý symbol is supposed to be greater-than-or-equal.) * Application case: === A risk manager of a savings bank attempts to explain the potential for losses on mortgages in a potentially averse market: ?In our mortgage portfolio, the average loan-to-value ratio is 80 percent, so even if our customers were totally broke, apart from the house pledged as collateral -- then we could stand a 20 percent price drop without any other losses than the administrative cost of collecting the collateral.? Q: What is wrong with this argument? Formalise using Jensen's inequality. ===