. reg ed dist Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 3796 -------------+------------------------------ F( 1, 3794) = 28.48 Model | 93.0256754 1 93.0256754 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 12394.3568 3794 3.266831 R-squared = 0.0074 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.0072 Total | 12487.3825 3795 3.29048287 Root MSE = 1.8074 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ed | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- dist | -.0733727 .0137498 -5.34 0.000 -.1003304 -.046415 _cons | 13.95586 .0377241 369.95 0.000 13.88189 14.02982 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . reg ed dist bytest female black hispanic incomehi ownhome dadcoll cue80 stwmfg80 Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 3796 -------------+------------------------------ F( 10, 3785) = 146.35 Model | 3481.95254 10 348.195254 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 9005.42997 3785 2.37924173 R-squared = 0.2788 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.2769 Total | 12487.3825 3795 3.29048287 Root MSE = 1.5425 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ed | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- dist | -.0315387 .0123703 -2.55 0.011 -.0557918 -.0072857 bytest | .0938201 .0031622 29.67 0.000 .0876204 .1000199 female | .145408 .0505889 2.87 0.004 .0462239 .244592 black | .367971 .071363 5.16 0.000 .2280574 .5078846 hispanic | .3985196 .0744617 5.35 0.000 .2525308 .5445085 incomehi | .3951984 .0605308 6.53 0.000 .2765222 .5138746 ownhome | .1521313 .0668075 2.28 0.023 .0211492 .2831135 dadcoll | .6961324 .0687248 10.13 0.000 .5613911 .8308737 cue80 | .0232052 .0096321 2.41 0.016 .0043207 .0420898 stwmfg80 | -.0517777 .0198523 -2.61 0.009 -.0906999 -.0128556 _cons | 8.827518 .2502782 35.27 0.000 8.336825 9.318211 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . est tab eq*, se ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable | eq1 eq2 eq3 eq4 eq5 eq6 eq7 eq8 eq9 eq10 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dist | -.07337271 -.04865508 -.04843927 -.0440432 -.04298349 -.03219833 -.03366451 -.02346148 -.02819504 -.03153874 | .0137498 .01213643 .01213028 .01221574 .0121916 .01207493 .01208557 .0119705 .01231311 .01237029 bytest | .09718144 .0976674 .10051901 .1033454 .09974744 .09932698 .09353986 .09346341 .09382012 | .00293643 .00294276 .00310421 .00316961 .00314703 .00315075 .00316201 .00316166 .00316219 female | .11727154 .11396038 .12233299 .14323748 .14730873 .15230276 .14967346 .14540795 | .05201497 .05197859 .05190305 .05125036 .05125363 .05058675 .05060115 .05058886 black | .19896916 .27780453 .35322589 .37104986 .38969092 .39291167 .36797101 | .06951793 .07185846 .07128163 .07167358 .07076174 .07077353 .07136295 hispanic | .31698516 .39648805 .4105946 .42313697 .41390562 .39851964 | .07544149 .07483915 .07505562 .07408592 .07428447 .07446166 incomehi | .59029764 .57662677 .38259341 .38491574 .39519841 | .05778468 .0580659 .06044522 .06044857 .06053083 ownhome | .15373225 .14644357 .14512523 .15213133 | .06769456 .06681447 .06680459 .06680748 dadcoll | .69342238 .69920033 .69613236 | .0686917 .06876741 .06872484 cue80 | .01486583 .0232052 | .00909284 .00963207 stwmfg80 | -.05177773 | .01985226 _cons | 13.955856 8.9567793 8.8676726 8.6781419 8.464901 8.4229258 8.3170967 8.5078828 8.407596 8.827518 | .03772413 .15466498 .1595543 .17261084 .17955448 .17720281 .18313399 .18172799 .19176356 .25027815 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ legend: b/se Note: To get this, do all the regressions and write est store eq1 (then next eq2 etc) right after the regression. Then use the command est tab eq*, se to get this table.