The following are *"problems"* (not "exercises"!) from TK chapters III and IV. * First, some preliminaries (not to be covered at the seminar): - From TK III: 1.1, 1.4, 2.1 - From TK IV: 1.10 * To be covered at the seminar, to the extent you request: - From TK III: 2.4, 2.5, 4.17 and 7.1. The latter belongs to III.7 which is not on the reading list, but again, matrix algebra is good for you. (You will do just fine if you just do the 4-state case, not the infinite-state case.) - From TK IV: 1.3 (beware the notation, what is "0" and "1"), 1.12, 4.1 (a). * Not to be covered at the seminar, but on the Thursday 22nd lecture is problem IV: 3.2. - Homework: Have so much of a try at this that you are well prepared for the proof at the lecture.