Books and compendiums can be bought in Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus. You will need a valid semester card to buy compendiums.
Hovi, J (1998). Games, Threats and Treaties. Understanding Commitments in International Relations. London: Pinter. Kap. 1,2, 5-9 (100 s.)
Steunenberg, B. & A. Dimitrova (2007). “Compliance in the EU Enlargement Process: Institutional Reform and the Limits of Conditionality”, in A. Marciano & J-M. Josselin: Democracy, Freedom and Coercion. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (30 s.)
Taylor, M. (1996). "When Rationality Fails", s. 223-234 i J. Friedman (red.), The Rational Choice Controversy. New Haven: Yale University Press. (12 s.)