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Deciphering novel killing mechanisms of NK cells

NK cells protect from cancer development, and are increasingly exploited in diverse immunotherapeutic strategies. NK cells kill cancer cells by releasing cytotoxic molecules from secretory granules. With this project we will uncover new mechanistic insights into the biogenesis and function of secretory granules in NK cells.

We have previously reported the exclusive expression of the GTPase RGS8 in cytotoxic lymphocytes in rats, and shown that RGS8 translocates to secretory granules upon NK cell activation. This project will be based on human NK cells derived from blood, as well as the NK cell line NK-92. The student will work on first recapitulating the rat data in a human model, and then uncover the functional role of RGS8 in mediating NK cell killing of cancer cells.

Main methods

The student will learn main immunological and cell biological methods, including:

  • Flow cytometry
  • Cell culture work and isolation of immune cells from blood
  • Diverse functional assays for NK cells
  • Western blotting
  • siRNA-mediated knockdowns
  • Viral transfections/electroporation of cells
  • Fluorescence microscopy

The student’s responsibilities

We expect that the student will read up on relevant literature, take part in the group’s regular project and literature meetings, and regularly present your project in internal meetings.

Contact information:

You are welcome to contact Marit Inngjerdingen for further information:
Marit Inngjerdingen, e-mail: mariti@medisin.uio.no; +4795063929

Publisert 13. aug. 2021 12:50 - Sist endret 2. apr. 2024 09:57


Omfang (studiepoeng)