
Oversikt over instituttets siste publikasjoner registrert i Cristin.

  • Skogerb?, Eli; Bruns, Axel; Quodling, Andrew & Ingebretsen, Thomas (2016). Agenda-Setting Revisited: Social Media and Sourcing in Mainstream Journalism, In  The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics.  Routledge.  ISBN 9781138860766.  7.
  • Ihleb?k, Karoline Andrea & Krumsvik, Arne H. (2015). Editorial power and public participation in online newspapers. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism.  ISSN 1464-8849.  16(4), s 470- 487 . doi: 10.1177/1464884913520200
  • Ihlen, ?yvind (2015). Critical rhetoric and public relations, In Jacquie L'Etang; David McKie; Nancy Snow & Jordi Xifra (ed.),  Routledge handbook of critical public relations.  Routledge.  ISBN 9780415727334.  7.  s 90 - 100
  • Enli, Gunn & Skogerb?, Eli (2015). Personalized campaigns in party-centred politics: Twitter and Facebook as arenas for political communication, In Gunn Enli & Hallvard Moe (ed.),  Social Media and Election Campaigns - Key Tendencies and Ways Forward.  Routledge.  ISBN 978-1-13-893046-9.  6.  s 119 - 135
  • Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). The EU Parliament on Twitter—Assessing the Permanent Online Practices of Parliamentarians. Journal of Information Technology & Politics.  ISSN 1933-1681.  12(2), s 149- 166 . doi: 10.1080/19331681.2014.994158
  • Rasmussen, Terje (2015). Politics, Press and the Euro-missiles. The Take-off of the Euro-missile Conflict in Norway, In Rolf Werenskjold & Henrik G. Bastiansen (ed.),  The Nordic Media and the Cold War.  Nordicom.  ISBN 9789187957154.  Chapter 13.  s 255 - 270
  • Figenschou, Tine Ustad & Thorbj?rnsrud, Kjersti (2015). Faces of an Invisible Population: Human Interest Framing of Irregular Immigration News in the United States, France, and Norway. American Behavioral Scientist.  ISSN 0002-7642.  59(7), s 783- 801 . doi: 10.1177/0002764215573256
  • Karlsen, Rune & Skogerb?, Eli (2015). Candidate campaigning in parliamentary systems: Individualized vs. localized campaigning. Party Politics.  ISSN 1354-0688.  21(3), s 428- 439 . doi: 10.1177/1354068813487103
  • Liest?l, Gunnar (2015). Situated & Sensory Media between Centre & Periphery in Museum Mediation, In Harold Thwaites; Sarah Kenderdine & Jeffrey Shaw (ed.),  Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM), 9-12 December 2014 Hong Kong.  IEEE conference proceedings.  ISBN 9781479972272.  15.  s 247 - 250
  • Liest?l, Gunnar; Morrison, Andrew & Stenarson, Tomas (2015). Visualization of Climate Change in situ, In Harold Thwaites; Sarah Kenderdine & Jeffrey Shaw (ed.),  Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM), 9-12 December 2014 Hong Kong.  IEEE conference proceedings.  ISBN 9781479972272.  14.  s 251 - 256
  • Schwind, Kai (2015). Like watching a motorway crash: Exploring the embarrassment humor of The Office. Humor: An International Journal of Humor Research.  ISSN 0933-1719.  28(1), s 49- 70 . doi: 10.1515/humor-2014-0145
  • Colbj?rnsen, Terje (2015). Store og sm? akt?rers tiln?rming til digitalisering i den norske bokbransjen. Praktisk ?konomi og finans.  ISSN 1501-0074.  14(2), s 160- 169
  • H?yer, Svennik & Nossen, Hedda Andrea (2015). Revisions of the news paradigm: Changes in stylistic features between 1950 and 2008 in the journalism of Norway's largest newspaper. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism.  ISSN 1464-8849.  16(4), s 536- 552 . doi: 10.1177/1464884914524518
  • Thorbj?rnsrud, Kjersti (2015). Mediatization of public bureaucracies: Administrative versus political loyalty. Scandinavian Political Studies.  ISSN 0080-6757.  38(2), s 179- 197 . doi: 10.1111/1467-9477.12041
  • Beyer, Audun & Matthes, J?rg (2015). Attitudes toward Illegal Immigration and Exposure to Public Service and Commercial Broadcasting in France, Norway, and the United States . International Journal of Communication.  ISSN 1932-8036.  9(16), s 3264- 3279
  • Figenschou, Tine Ustad; Beyer, Audun & Thorbj?rnsrud, Kjersti (2015). The Moral Police. Agenda-setting and Framing Effects of a New(s) Concept of Immigration. Nordicom Review.  ISSN 1403-1108.  36(1), s 65- 78
  • Matthes, J?rg & Beyer, Audun Nesheim (2015). Toward a cognitive-affective process model of hostile media perceptions: A multi-country structural equation modeling approach. Communication Research.  ISSN 0093-6502. . doi: 10.1177/0093650215594234
  • Ihlen, ?yvind (2015). “It Is Five Minutes to Midnight and All Is Quiet”: Corporate Rhetoric and Sustainability. Management Communication Quarterly.  ISSN 0893-3189.  29(1), s 145- 152 . doi: 10.1177/0893318914563145
  • Ihlen, ?yvind; Figenschou, Tine Ustad & Larsen, Anna M. Gr?ndahl (2015). Behind the framing scenes: Challenges and opportunities for NGOs and authorities framing irregular immigration. American Behavioral Scientist.  ISSN 0002-7642.  59(7), s 822- 838 . doi: 10.1177/0002764215573254
  • Lundby, Knut & Gresaker, Ann Kristin (2015). Religion i mediene – omstridt og oversett?, I: Inger Furseth (red.),  Religionens tilbakekomst i offentligheten? Religion, politikk, medier, stat og sivilsamfunn i Norge siden 1980-tallet.  Universitetsforlaget.  ISBN 9788215024431.  3.  s 69 - 104
  • R?nning, Helge (2015). Reflections on elections in a dominant party state. Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies.  ISSN 0256-0054.  36(1), s 149- 155
  • Hepp, Andreas; Hjarvard, Stig & Lundby, Knut (2015). Mediatization: theorizing the interplay between media, culture and society. Media Culture and Society.  ISSN 0163-4437.  37(2), s 314- 324 . doi: 10.1177/0163443715573835
  • Hagen, Anja Nylund (2015). The Playlist Experience: Personal Playlists in Music Streaming Services . Popular music and society.  ISSN 0300-7766. . doi: 10.1080/03007766.2015.1021174
  • Fagerjord, Anders (2015). Humanist evaluation methods in locative media design . Journal of Media Innovations.  ISSN 1894-5562.  2(1), s 107- 122
  • Aalberg, Toril & Beyer, Audun Nesheim (2015). Human Interest Framing of Irregular Immigration: An Empirical Study of Public Preferences for Personalized News Stories in the United States, France, and Norway. American Behavioral Scientist.  ISSN 0002-7642.  59(7), s 858- 875 . doi: 10.1177/0002764215573258
  • Beyer, Audun Nesheim & Matthes, J?rg (2015). Public Perceptions of the Media Coverage of Irregular Immigration: Comparative Insights From France, the United States, and Norway. American Behavioral Scientist.  ISSN 0002-7642. . doi: 10.1177/0002764215573253
  • Abdel-Fadil, Mona (2015). Counselling Muslim Selves on Islamic Websites: Walking a Tightrope Between Secular and Religious Counselling Ideals? . Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture.  ISSN 2165-9214.
  • Hoff-Clausen, Elisabeth & Ihlen, ?yvind (2015). The rhetorical citizenship of corporations in the digital age, In A Adi; David Crowther & G. Grigore (ed.),  Corporate social responsibility in the digital age.  Emerald Group Publishing Limited.  ISBN 9781784415822.  2.  s 25 - 45
  • Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline Dale; H?ivik, Heidi von Weltzien & Ihlen, ?yvind (2015). The historical development of corporate social responsibility in Norway, In Samuel O. Idowu; P. Schmidpeter & M. Fifka (ed.),  Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe.  Springer.  ISBN 978-3-319-13565-6.  5.  s 177 - 196
  • Slaatta, Tore (2015). Print versus digital in Norwegian newspapers. Media Culture and Society.  ISSN 0163-4437.  37(1), s 124- 133 . doi: 10.1177/0163443714553566
  • Ess, Charles Melvin (2015). The Onlife Manifesto: Philosophical Backgrounds Media Usages, and the Futures of Democracy and Equality, In Luciano Floridi (ed.),  The Onlife Manifesto: Being Human in a Hyperconnected Era.  Springer.  ISBN 978-3-319-04093-6.  Kapittel.  s 89 - 11
  • Hausken, Liv (2015). The Visual Culture of Brain Imaging. Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology.  ISSN 0024-094X.  48(1), s 68- 69 . doi: doi:10.1162/LEON_a_00899
  • Allern, Sigurd (2015). Foreign Correspondents in Norway: Covering a Small, Rich Country near the Artic, In Georgios Terzis (ed.),  Mapping Foreign Correspondents in Europe.  Routledge.  ISBN 978-0-415-71900-1.  18.  s 192 - 202
  • Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). Pandering, protesting, engaging. Norwegian party leaders on Facebook during the 2013 ‘Short campaign' . Information, Communication and Society.  ISSN 1369-118X.  18(4), s 459- 473 . doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2014.967269
  • Liest?l, Gunnar & Morrison, Andrew (2015). The power of place and perspective: sensory media and situated simulations in urban design, In Adriana de Souza e Silva & Mimi Sheller (ed.),  Mobility and Locative Media: Mobile Communication in Hybrid Spaces (Changing Mobilities).  Routledge.  ISBN 978-1138778139.  12.  s 207 - 223
  • Colbj?rnsen, Terje (2015). Digital divergence: analysing strategy, interpretation and controversy in the case of the introduction of an ebook reader technology. Information, Communication and Society.  ISSN 1369-118X.  18(1), s 32- 47 . doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2014.924982
  • Colbj?rnsen, Terje (2015). What is the VAT? The policies and practices of value added tax on ebooks in Europe. The International Journal of Cultural Policy.  ISSN 1028-6632.  21(3), s 326- 343 . doi: 10.1080/10286632.2014.904298

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Bruns, Axel; Enli, Gunn; Skogerb?, Eli; Larsson, Anders Olof & Christensen, Christian (2016). The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics. Routledge.  ISBN 9781138860766.  538 s.
  • Allern, Sigurd (2015). Journalistikk og kildekritisk analyse. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.  ISBN 978-82-02-40581-6.  277 s.
  • Hannemyr, Gisle; Liest?l, Gunnar; Lüders, Marika & Rasmussen, Terje (2015). Digitale Medier. Teknologi, anvendelser og samfunn. Universitetsforlaget.  ISBN 9788215025025.  217 s.
  • Enli, Gunn & Moe, Hallvard (ed.) (2015). Social Media and Election Campaigns - Key Tendencies and Ways Forward. Routledge.  ISBN 978-1-13-893046-9.  150 s.
  • Enli, Gunn (2015). Mediated Authenticity: How the Media Constructs Reality. Peter Lang Publishing Group.  ISBN 978-1-4331-1485-4.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Ytreberg, Espen (2015). Pod med og uten brodd. Dagens n?ringsliv.  ISSN 0803-9372.
  • Sm?rdal, Ole; Liest?l, Gunnar & Erstad, Ola (2015). Building ecologies for knowledge building.
  • Liest?l, Gunnar; Sm?rdal, Ole & Erstad, Ola (2015). STEM Learning by means of Mobile Augmented Reality. Exploring the Potential of Augmenting Classroom Learning with Situated Simulations and Practical Activities on Location.
  • Abdel-Fadil, Mona (2015). Debating a Norwegian News Anchor’s Cross-Pendant.
  • Lundby, Knut; Hjarvard, Stig; Rosenfeldt, Mattias Pape; L?vheim, Mia; Jensdotter, Linnea & Abdel-Fadil, Mona (2015). Contested visibility and interaction on religion in public service media.
  • Hjarvard, Stig & Lundby, Knut (2015). Dynamics of mediatized conflictual social interaction.
  • Livingstone, Sonia & Staksrud, Elisabeth (2015). Please share (because we care). Privacy issues in social networking.. Connect-World.  II, s 9- 10
  • Maas?, Arnt (2015). Musikk mot str?mmen.
  • Maas?, Arnt (2015). Lyttevaner og -m?nstre i musikkstr?mmetjenester .
  • Maas?, Arnt (2015). 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 med / mot / og / eller p? str?mmen.
  • Fagerjord, Anders (2015). The cloud, the store, and the millions of apps: SaaS on the little screen , In Irina Kaldrack & Martina Leeker (ed.),  There is no software, there are just services.  Meson Press.  ISBN 978-3-95796-055-9.  Kap. 6.  s 91 - 102
  • Rasmussen, Terje (2015). Sosiologiske studier av medier, I: H?kon Larsen (red.),  Kultursosiologisk forskning.  Universitetsforlaget.  ISBN 978-82-15-02499-8.  kapittel 13.  s 171 - 180
  • Kurtmollaiev, Seidali; Fjuk, Annita; Kvale, Knut & Pedersen, Per Egil (2015). Developing managerial dynamic capabilities for service innovation: a quasi-experimental field study.
  • Lundby, Knut (2015). Innspill fra CoMRel i NFRs innspillsdugnad om forskning p? ekstremisme og terrorisme.
  • Ytreberg, Espen (2015). Tidsskriftmediet er offentligheten. Anmeldelse av "En pokkers skrivesyge: 1700-tallets dansk-norske tidsskrifter mellom sensur og ytringsfrihet". Arr. Idéhistorisk tidsskrift.  ISSN 0802-7005.
  • Hausken, Liv (2015). Fra terror til overv?king. (Innen tematisk program: frihet og rettigheter.).
  • Abdel-Fadil, Mona (2015). Paneldebatt: ”Ungdom tar ansvar”- Hvordan forebygge f?r det er for sent? .
  • Hagen, Anja Nylund (2015, 05. juni). Looking For A Connection In An Infinite Jukebox. With Millions Of Songs At Our Fingertips, Is The Idea Of Owning Music A Thing Of The Past?. [Fagblad].
  • Ytreberg, Espen (2015). Deltakelse i paneldebatt, "Film Violence Revisited".
  • Ytreberg, Espen (2015). Ledelse av og innlegg p? "breakout session".
  • Ytreberg, Espen (2015). Toward a historical understanding of the media event.
  • Allern, Sigurd (2015). Fr?n nyhetspress til pengapress: Om en hysterisk mediebranch som gr?vde sin egen grav. ETC.  ISSN 1654-6423.  (11), s 32- 37
  • Allern, Sigurd (2015). Sv?ngd?rrarnas f?rlovade land. ETC.  ISSN 1654-6423.  (22), s 26- 30
  • Kvale, Knut & F?lstad, Asbj?rn (2015). Kundeservice – telefon eller selvbetjening..
  • Pedersen, Mona & Rustad, Gry Cecilie (2015). Experiencing Twin Peaks: Addressing diversity in viewing 25 years of quality TV.
  • Rustad, Gry Cecilie (2015). Experiencing Twin Peaks: Addressing diversity in viewing 25 years of quality TV.
  • Skogerb?, Eli (2015). Broadcasting: Regulation, In James D. Wright (ed.),  International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences(Second Edition).  Elsevier.  ISBN 978-0-08-097087-5.  Broadcasting.  s 859 - 863
  • Ytreberg, Espen (2015). Engaging those outside the Humanities.
  • Ytreberg, Espen (2015, 01. mai). Intervju om "sakte-TV". [Radio].  ABC Radio National (Australia).
  • Ytreberg, Espen (2015, 26. april). Chillen mit Schafen: Was wir Alle von den Norwegern so alles lernen k?nnen.  Frankfurter Allgemeine.
  • Lundby, Knut & Hjarvard, Stig (2015). A Typology on Mediatized Conflictual Social Interaction.
  • Abdel-Fadil, Mona (2015). Paneldebatt om Queens of Syria.
  • Abdel-Fadil, Mona (2015, 16. april). Skal forske p? p? NRK-anker S?llmanns korsnekt .  Dagen.
  • Abdel-Fadil, Mona (2015). Islamisters budskap p? nett . 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录.no : nettavis med nyheter fra norsk og internasjonal forskning.
  • Brandtz?g, Kari J. & Slaatta, Tore (2015). Krigens Skygge.
  • Slaatta, Tore (2015). European research on books and the sociology of literature today..
  • Slaatta, Tore (2015). Kunst og ytringsfrihet.
  • Slaatta, Tore (2015). Den engasjerte kunsten. En refleksjon over film- og videokunsten i utstillingen "Krigens skygge"..
  • Slaatta, Tore (2015). Litteraturens tilstand.
  • Slaatta, Tore & R?nning, Helge (2015). The book: at what price?.
  • Syvertsen, Trine (2015). Folkets kringkasting. Postet til "Allmennkringkasting i en ny tid". Ytring : NRK. . doi:
  • Syvertsen, Trine (2015). Bra med kritisk gjennomgang av rektorvalg. Svar til rektorene Olsen og Ottersen. Forskerforum.  ISSN 0800-1715. . doi:
  • Ytreberg, Espen (2015). Skavlans intervju med Jimmie ?kesson: innledning for Kringkastingsr?det.
  • Sundet, Vilde Schanke (2015). Still “Desperately seeking the audience”: Audience making in digitalized television production cultures.
  • Yazdani, Sara Elina Rundgren (2015). Organiska Medier.  ISSN 1504-0925.
  • Abdel-Fadil, Mona (2015). L?per mediene terroristenes ?rend?, Paneldebatt .
  • Ytreberg, Espen (2015). Innledning og m?teledelse.
  • Staksrud, Elisabeth (2015). Counting children. On research methodology, ethics and policy development, In Hallvard Fossheim & Helene C. Ingierd (ed.),  Internet Research Ethics.  Cappelen Damm Akademisk.  ISBN 978-82-02-48035-6.  Chapter 5.  s 98 - 121
  • Rustad, Gry Cecilie (2015, 27. februar). Onde hovedpersoner p? film. [Radio].  Norgesglasset.
  • Rustad, Gry Cecilie (2015, 28. januar). Kurer 28.01.2015. [TV].
  • Abdel-Fadil, Mona (2015). Testimonies of Terror: Talking about Sexual Assaults on an Egyptian Talk.
  • Hausken, Liv (2015). Teknologiens utfordringer: Krig mot terror, kopling av helseregistre, og The Internet of Things meets Big Data.
  • Schwind, Kai (2015). Til ? le av - Humor m? kunne handle om alt. La n? humoristene gj?re jobben sin – uansett om de er morsomme eller ei.. NRK Ytring.
  • Yazdani, Sara Elina Rundgren (2015). Objektets sociala process.  ISSN 1504-0925.
  • Abdel-Fadil, Mona (2015). Understanding Egypt: Soldiers, Revolutionaries and the People.
  • Storsul, Tanja (2015). Digitalisering av kultur- og mediebransjen.
  • R?nning, Helge (2015). Nadine Gordimer (1923–2014). Morgenbladet.  ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Beyer, Audun Nesheim (2015). Bokanmeldelse av David Nicolas Hopmann & Morten Skovsgaard (red.) 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录smetoder i journalistik og politisk kommunikation K?benhavn: Hans Reitzels Forlag 2014. 381 sider. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning.  ISSN 0040-716X.  56(1), s 112- 115

Se alle arbeider i Cristin