
Viser treff 1–20 av 595 for ?scholars at risk?

Scholars at Risk: Menneskerettigheter og akademia - Uniforum

Scholars at Risk: Menneskerettigheter og akademia Mange forskere i verden blir hindret i ? forske p? maktkritiske temaer og i ? publisere resultatene...

Regjeringa gir 1,3 millionar til Scholars at Risk i Noreg - Uniforum

Regjeringa gir 1,3 millionar til Scholars at Risk i Noreg Nettverket Scholars at Risk, som vernar forfylgde akademikarar over heile verda, f?r eit...

D?dsd?mt svensk-iransk akademikar f?r pris fr? Scholars at Risk - Uniforum

D?dsd?mt svensk-iransk akademikar f?r pris fr? Scholars at Risk Den svensk-iranske eksperten i katastrofemedisin Ahmadreza Djalali er tildelt prisen...

Misforst?ing skapte frykt for at Scholars at Risk ville f? millionkutt - Uniforum

Misforst?ing skapte frykt for at Scholars at Risk ville f? millionkutt Misforst?ing skapte frykt for at Scholars at Risk ville f? millionkutt...

Students at Risk gav han vern fr? forfylging - Uniforum

tipsa meg om Students at Risk-ordninga i Noreg, og gjennom ein som underviste p? NLA Gimlekollen i Kristiansand fekk eg stipend fr? Scholars at Risk...

Aktivist for forfylgde akademikarar f?r UiOs menneskerettspris - Uniforum

Aktivist for forfylgde akademikarar f?r UiOs menneskerettspris Robert Quinn tok i 1999 initiativet til ? danna Scholars at Risk for ? verna forfylgde...

Digital Life 2024 - Digital Life Norway

protect children from environmental risks, promote healthy brain development, and reduce global health inequalities. As a Research Fellow at UNICEF, she...

Where to publish

looking for a suitable journal: Is it a peer-reviewed journal? What is the subject area of the journal? Is it aimed at the audience you want to reach? Is it...

Publikasjoner og mediebidrag - Senter for utvikling og milj?

det fritt? Er det smart? Nei! (Marianne Aasen + Forbrukerr?det, Varden, 9. februar 2024) Hva skal til for at bygda overlever i en tid da mange trekker...

Publications and media contributions - Centre for Development and the Environment

/j.erss.2024.103466 . Show summary Policies for shifting household electricity load are in focus in several countries, aimed at optimizing grid operation...

Seed funded projects

take place from April 22 to 26, 2024 at Université Paris Cité’s Sports Science Department (STAPS). The programme will include workshops, debates, site...

Members - Centre for Development and the Environment

Collective for the Political Determinants of Health . His research publications can be found at his Google Scholar page and ResearchGate page . Suerie Moon...

PROVIZ - Digital Life Norway

Helena (2023). Performance of magnetic resonance imaging-based prostate cancer risk calculators and decision strategies in two large European medical...

Valg p? Studentparlamentets konstituerende m?te - Studentparlamentet,

/ UNIVERSITETET I OSLOS SCHOLARS AT RISK-KOMIT? (SAR-KOMIT?) 1 studentrepresentant, 1 vararepresentant Antall m?ter i ?ret (ca.): Minst ett Funksjonstiden er fra...

Anine Kierulf: – Overraskende at akademia ikke har tenkt mer over dette - Uniforum

permanent og st?tte Scholars at Risk-ordningen, og ber universitetene og h?yskolene om ? v?re aktive i nettverkene. Av Helene Lindqvist Publisert 30. mars...

NSO ber Norge s?rge for at studenter fra Ukraina, Russland og Hviterussland f?r v?re her - Uniforum

det akademiske fellesskapet og til ? fullf?re sine utdanninger. Norske institusjoner har tradisjon for ? st?tte ordningene Students at risk og Scholars...

White paper: Transdisciplinarity in Digital Life Norway - Digital Life Norway

Digital Life Norway (DLN) was created in 2015 as a national virtual centre for biotech research and innovation. At the time of writing the centre consisted...

Democracy backsliding? A look at V-Dem’s Democracy Report 2021 - Centre for Development and the Environment

Democracy backsliding? A look at V-Dem’s Democracy Report 2021 Recent reports by V-Dem and Freedom House indicate that democracy is backsliding

Digital rights advocacy: A new political determinant of health? - Centre for Development and the Environment

accesses digital health and how. There is nothing predetermined in these inequalities, however. Looking at the history of the global HIV response, I argue...

An empty chair at the University of Oslo's Human Rights Award 2017 - Uniforum

November 13. At the award ceremony the Scholars at Risk report Free to Think 2017 will be introduced by the Chair of Scholars at Risk Norway Section, Karen...