Nettsider med emneord ?uio?
Join us for a fun and inviting night into Norwegian culture and traditions at R?nningen Folkeh?yskole! You will experience Norwegian fairytales, dance, music, clothing and food, while also getting the chance to participate yourselves!
Join us for an excursion to beautiful Telemark and experience Norwegian wildlife, mountains, lakes, history and traditional culture. We will stay for one night, and get the opportunity to hike up to Gaustatoppen, see medieval stave churches and much more.
Erik beregner hvor mye penger forsikringsselskapet b?r sette av til utbetalinger.
Magnus studerte geofag for ? finne l?sninger p? milj?- og klimaproblemene. N? er han med p? ? begrense forurensing fra oppdrettsanlegg.
Pia var matematikkstudenten som i hvert fall ikke skulle bli konsulent med spisse albuer og lange arbeidsdager. N? er hun utvikler og teamleder i konsulentfirmaet Accenture.
Get an overview of Norwegian immigration and asylum policy, from the beginning of the 20th century until the current situation.
The ISS students used programming and adaptive learning to ameliorate statistics and computer analysis for enterprises and development organisations.
Take a look at the news article in Uniforum.
Test your knowledge about Norwegian culture, nature, geography and traditions in a digital Norway quiz.
Get an overview of Norwegian immigration and asylum policy, from the beginning of the 20th century until the current situation.
Test your knowledge about Norwegian culture, nature, geography and traditions in a Norway quiz. There will also be possibilities of getting a taste of Norwegian food.
Nordmarka is a favorite escape for many of Oslo's inhabitants. These public areas in the forest are ideal for hiking, swimming, camping and overnight stays in a cabin.
Gruppemedlemmer: Live ?rmot Brastad, Synn?ve Kinander, Katarina Mathisen, Madelen Ljunggren.
I sammarbeid med Sunnaas Sykehus er m?let v?rt er ? utvikle en app hvor man i st?rre grad kan forberede pasienten p? rehabiliteringsprosessen, og med det heve pasientopplevelsen.