Nettsider med emneord ?video?
Dette tverrfaglige prosjektet utviklet et videoanalysesystem for klinisk sykehusbruk.
Musical Gestures Toolbox for doing various video-related tricks in the terminal. This is mainly based on the power of FFmpeg and ImageMagick.
Videos are visual to start with, but they can be easier to understand if they are visualized. In this talk Alexander Refsum Jensenius will present some of his tools for creating alternative visualizations of video files.
Artistic research fellow at the Norwegian Academy of Music Victoria Johnson and fourMs-researcher Alexander Refsum Jensenius will perform a piece exploring improvisation in time and space during a concert that also features pieces by Henrik Hellstenius and Peter Tornquist.
Johnson and Jensenius have been collaborating for several years on exploration of various types of technologies for musical expression. The piece currently presented is based on video analysis using modules from the Musical Gestures Toolbox in Jamoma and CataRT .
Visiting researcher Yago de Quay will showcase his latest Interactive Systems for dance clubs at the venue Gabler . There will be four systems at work that night, namely the wii-make-music , video jockey , DJ , and motion to music . More information below.
This interdisciplinary research project developed a video-analysis system for clinical use in hospitals.
This week's version of the student newspaper Universitas has an article about music and movement, featuring visiting researcher Yago de Quay .
Videos from the Semester opening concert are now available on YouTube: iPhone trio and Dance jockey. See below for more information.
VideoMix is a software for mixing and projecting videos in real time. The software allows simple sound-video interaction, face recognition, and some basic video editing.
Denne forelesningen introduserer endel sentrale begreper og teknikker innen kvantitativ analyse, og legger grunnlaget for praktiske demonstrasjoner og tester av programvare. Mer informasjon på wiki'en. Varighet: 16:22.
Denne presentasjonen fokuserer på ting som er viktige å tenke på hvis man ønsker å gjøre videoopptak for bevegelsesanalyse. Varighet: 18:57.
På den første øvelsen skal vi se på hvordan vi kan sette opp en kvalitativ analyse med utgangspunkt i en musikkvideo. Først går vi gjennom forskjellige steg i en slik analyseprosess: 1) generell, 2) deskriptiv, 3) funksjonell, 4) bevegelse-lyd. Deretter går vi gjennom de forskjellige programmene som trengs for å rippe video fra en DVD (Handbrake), spille av og klippe ut video (VLC), og sette opp en tabell (OpenOffic Calc).
This is a collection of modules and abstractions developed in and for the graphical programming environment Max/MSP/Jitter.
A basic audio and video recorder, with the possibility to control brightness, contrast and saturation in realtime.