Neuroscience and NeuroAI
Contact person: Marianne Fyhn
Keywords: Memory processing, In vivo recordings, Machine learning, NeuroAI, Cognition
Research group: Center for Integrative Neuroplasticity (CINPLA)
Department of Biosciences
Neuroscience is an inherently interdisciplinary research field with a common goal to understand the brain. Recently, advances in genetic and recording technologies in combination with new computational approaches have revolutionized how we can investigate the brain. We face opportunities for breakthrough advances to understand the healthy brain and what goes wrong in disease. In our research group at Center for Integrative Neuroplasticity, we take a cross-disciplinary approach using advanced experiments, high-end analyses and simulations to (i) identify molecular mechanisms and neural population dynamics underlying memory processing and brain plasticity, (ii) identify new potential drug targets of brain disease and explore new treatment strategies, (iii) develop and apply new experimental and computational techniques, (iv) explore and develop new AI systems which can be used to understand neural processes and inspire new AI systems. Research proposals may span several methodological approaches within this scope, as well as a number of application domains.
Methodological research topics:
- Development and application of methods for analysis of data from large scale neural recordings including multiphoton imaging, optogenetic perturbation and electrophysiology during animal cognition
- Machine learning to understand neuron population dynamics
- Deep neural networks to simulate brain processes
- Physics based models for insight and interpretation of recordings
- Bioinformatics and statistical methods to identify genetic contributors
Application domains for neuroscience:
- Molecular and neuronal contributions to cognition
- Identify mechanisms of brain disease
- Reveal new drug targets and develop new treatments of brain disease
- Identify and develop bio-inspired AI
External partners:
- Oslo University Hospital (OUH)
- Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
- Medical Faculty, University of Oslo
- Harvard Medical School
- University of San Diego California
- University of Pennsylvania
- Simula Research Laboratory
Mentoring and internship will be offered by a relevant external partner.