Designing highly renewable electricity systems considering wider sustainability

Contact person: Marianne Zeyringer
Keywords: Renewable Energy, ecological and social Impacts, Electricity System Design
Research group: Energy Systems Modelling
Department of Technology Systems (ITS)

The siting of low carbon electricity infrastructure has ecological and social impacts on land but also offshore (both negative and positive). We invite proposals using and developing large datsets on biodiversity, impacts on bats and birds, landscape impacts, socio-economic impacts to design systems with minimal negative and maximum positive impacts and discuss tradeoffs. Proposals can focus on social or ecological or both; studying Norway, Europe, the Global South or in a global context.

Research topics:

  • Biodiversity, fauna and flora impacts including mitigation
  • Electrification benefits in countries with low electrification rate
  • Benefits of demand side measures on the electricity system
  • Design of future electricity system