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dScience Lunch Seminar: Core Constructional Ontology: A Unified Theory of Sets, Parts, and Relations

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge with Salvatore Florio.

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We develop a constructional approach to ontology, focusing on foundational entities such as sets, parts, and relations. On this conception of ontology, one starts with some constructors and an initial collection of objects. Then new objects emerge by construction, that is, from the application of constructors to objects. This approach provides a unified formalization of core components of prominent formal ontologies employed in knowledge representation. Our approach is shaped by its intended application: the resulting theory is to serve as a top-level ontology for the Information Management Framework of the UK's National Digital Twin. Using this theory as a starting point, we also reflect more broadly on semantic interoperability and integration.


Salvatore Florio is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oslo. Before joining UiO, he taught at the University of Birmingham and at Kansas State University. He received a PhD in Philosophy and an MS in Mathematics from The Ohio State University in 2010, and completed an MSc in Computer Science at the University of Birmingham in 2020.

Main research interests are in philosophy of language, philosophical logic, and philosophy of mathematics.


11:30 – Doors open and lunch is served

12:00 – "Core Constructional Ontology: A Unified Theory of Sets, Parts, and Relations" by Salvatore Florio (Professor, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas)

This event is open for all students, PhD candidates, postdocs, and everyone else who is interested in the topic. No registration needed.

About the seminar series

Once a month, dScience will invite you to join us for lunch and professional talks at the Science Library. In addition to these, we will serve lunch in our lounge in Kristine Bonnevies house every Thursday. Due to limited space (40 people), this will be first come, first served. See how to find us here.

Our lounge can also be booked by PhDs and Postdocs on a regular basis, whether it is for a meeting or just to hang out – we have fresh coffee all day long!

Lounge Calendar

Tags: dscience, postdoc, phd, lunch seminar
Published Aug. 9, 2024 11:47 AM - Last modified Aug. 30, 2024 10:32 AM