It is with great enthusiasm and deep sense of responsibility that we are soon launching Integreat. By developing new ways of doing machine learning, we hope to contribute to make Norway one of the world leading countries in AI.
News - Page 2
It is our pleasure to introduce the first newsletter from dScience – Centre for Computational and Data Science. dScience is less than two years old, however the science behind the center has long and proud traditions at the University of Oslo.
What is actually supercomputing and HPC about? Dr. Ole Saastad, Chief Engineer at The University Center for Information Technology tries to give you a quick answer.
The Life Science Growth House and dScience – Centre for Computational and Data Science will strengthen the innovation culture at UiO and contribute to making Oslo Science Park an even more holistic ecosystem for innovation where business and academia meet. Aim: Put knowledge from research into use!
Once you know how it works for one disease, immuneML can make diagnostic tools for other types of diseases as well.
dScience has had an exciting start-up year with several activities and happenings. Here, you can read what happened at the center during 2021.
On December 2-3, 2021, CompSci and dScience PhD candidates participated in their first PhD Program Seminar.
A lot has happened since dScience – Centre for Computational and Data Science – started in the beginning of 2021, but October has been the big start-up month.
Now that the pandemic is coming closer to an end, we are thrilled to finally be able to get together for some exciting activities! One of dScience’s most important tasks is to create and run meeting places, and we are kicking it all off on October 14 in the Science Library.
(In Norwegian) UiO-professor Morten D?hlen mener data er en like viktig ressurs for virksomheter som menneskelig arbeidskraft og kapital. N? lanseres etter- og videreutdannings-programmet ?Fra data til innsikt?.
(In Norwegian) Norge trenger en helhetlig nasjonal satsing p? kompetanseutvikling om data og databruk fra vugge til grav. Vi har en lang vei ? g?.
(In Norwegian) Oslo Science City vil hjelpe norske bedrifter ved ? styrke koblingene mellom forskning og n?ringsliv. Ledende teknologi-akt?rer mener det er h?y sjanse for at det lykkes.
dScience has soon existed for four months. Despite the fact that there is an ongoing pandemic a lot has happened since we started in January 2021. Here are some highlights.
dScience has started a major investment in machine learning. As a part of the program eight new PhD positions are now announced. We look forward to many good applicants from Norway and abroad.