Presentations and Discussions

The evening began with a welcome from Morten D?hlen, Centre Leader dScience – Centre for Computational and Data Science. Four doctoral research fellows from UiO – Per August Jarval Moen, Alouette van Hove, Roxana Pop, and Tobias Verheugen Hvidsten – hosted the event.

Three presentations followed. Rahman Amandius from Voi Technology spoke about how data science addresses mobility challenges. Anne-Marie George from UiO discussed fairness in algorithmic decision-making. Finally, Alisa Devlic from Sony AI shared insights on developing a superhuman racing AI agent using deep reinforcement learning. The presenters received many questions, sparking lively discussions.
Below you can read brief summaries of the presentations and other highlights from this year's Data Science Day.
Data-Driven Rides: Tackling Mobility Challenges with Data Science at Voi

Rahman Amandius from Voi Technology presented how data science plays a crucial role in addressing mobility challenges for Voi, a micro-mobility company operating in 100 cities across Europe.

His talk focused on two key areas where data science is integral: availability, ensuring that e-bikes and e-scooters are available when and where customers need them, and compliance, ensuring that users follow city regulations. Through machine learning and data-driven insights, Voi optimises its services to improve urban mobility solutions.

Fairness by Design - Considering Fairness in Algorithmic Decision Making

Anne-Marie George from the University of Oslo discussed the growing importance of fairness in data science, particularly in algorithmic decision-making. She highlighted how algorithm designers can unintentionally introduce bias, especially in systems that make decisions impacting people.

Her presentation explored real-world examples of unfair outcomes and outlined how different concepts of fairness can be enforced through algorithms to create more equitable systems.

From Hypothesis to Reality: Designing a Superhuman Racing AI Agent using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Alisa Devlic from Sony AI shared the fascinating journey of developing GT Sophy, an AI agent designed to compete with and surpass the world’s best Gran Turismo (GT) drivers. Through advanced deep reinforcement learning, GT Sophy was trained in race car control, tactics, and racing etiquette.

The presentation detailed how this AI evolved from a research project to a breakthrough featured in the Gran Turismo 7 (GT7) PlayStation game. In collaboration with Polyphony Digital and Sony Interactive Entertainment, the team developed unique training methods on a modern cloud platform, making GT Sophy a permanent in-game feature.
Acknowledgment of Ingrid Glad – Key Contributor to the Establishment and Growth of Data Science Day

Morten D?hlen closed the presentation session by thanking everyone involved, with special recognition of Professor Ingrid Glad at UiO, co-director of Integreat - Norwegian Centre for Knowledge-driven Machine Learning, who has been instrumental in organising Data Science Day for the past eight years.

D?hlen also thanked the hosts for doing an excellent job in taking part in planning and executing the event together with dScience.
Company Participation

After the presentation session the networking continued with food and drinks. A wide variety of companies and organisations participated in the event by setting up stands to engage with the attendees, including ABB AS Marine & Ports, Amazon Web Services, Bane NOR, Chronos AS, DNV, Doscon, Equinor, Folkehelseinstituttet, Gjensidige, Hance, Kartverket, Kongsberg Digital, Microsoft Norway, Norsk Regnesentral, Rystad Energy, SINTEF Digital, SLB (Schlumberger), Soundsensing, Statistisk sentralbyr? (SSB), Telenor, Tet Digital, and UiO Energy and Environment.

These companies and organisations showcased their work and interacted with participants during the networking sessions before and after the presentations.
Huge thanks to all the companies and organisations that took part! Looking forward to see you next year!
See more photos from Data Science Day 2024
Photos: Christoffer Hals, dScience, UiO.
Looking Ahead
Plans for Data Science Day 2025 are already underway, continuing the tradition of bringing together the data science community. If you have any inputs on how we can make this event even better next year, please contact us!

About dScience
dScience – Centre for Computational and Data Science at the University of Oslo supports interdisciplinary research in computational and data science, working closely with industry and public sector partners.