Academic Interests
I am centre leader for dScience – Centre for Computational and Data Science. I am also professor in computational mathematics/informatics. My main research has been within computational methods - machine learning, visualization and geometric modelling. I have worked on basic scientific problems as well as applied challenges in collaboration with companies and units in public sector.
I have taught various courses on undergraduate and graduate level, mainly within mathematics (numerical methods and signal processing) and computer science (programming, digital representation and data structures). In addition, I have been involved as a lecturer in leadership development programs.
Employment history (short resymé)
Since January 2021 I have been leader of dScience - Centre for Computational and Dat Science - at the University of Oslo. Before that I was Dean at The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural sciences for eight years(2013-2020) and Head of the Department of Informatics for eight years (2005-2012). Earlier in my career I have had director positions at SINTEF, the Research Council of Norway and Simula Research Laboratory AS.
Other appointments
As of today I am chairman of the board of Akerhus University Hospital and the board for the Swedish e-Science Research Centre (SeRC).