Using an exciting new probe of generic violations of the equivalence principle, we will be able to constrain such models unambiguously for a large portion of the astrophysically relevant parameter space. This test is validated by creating a mock universe with non-standard cosmology using state-of-the-art N-body codes, and finding said signal on its output, which is done by finding virialized dark matter halos, grouping them into several populations according to their mass, and cross-correlating them depending on the angle they make with the line of sight to the observer.
Test of odd cross-correlations of galaxies as a probe of equivalence principle violations in simulations containing modified gravity
The standard model of cosmology has this last decade been increasingly challenged by observational tensions that might result eventually in the preference of some alternative model. But there is a large zoo of models to consider.

Published July 6, 2023 3:32 PM
- Last modified Oct. 23, 2023 11:56 AM