
Showing result 1–7 of 7 for ?Ulrike Spring?

Sten Ludvigsen - Department of Education

Handbook of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning . Springer Nature . ISSN 978-3-030-65290-6. p. 45–64. Baker, Michael J.; Schwarz, Baruch B. & Ludvigsen...

alfredog - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

(Australia) by the National Research Council of Norway. 2011 Springer best paper award at the ReLIVE conference, Open University (Milton Keynes, UK). Teaching...

svenkerud-klette-hertzberg-(2012).-opplering-i-muntlige-ferdigheter..pdf - Institutt for l?rerutdanning og skoleforskning abstract 1 Action research within education ‘Collaborative and action research’ within education A Nordic perspective KARIN R?NNERMAN

Sten Ludvigsen - Institutt for pedagogikk

. Springer . ISSN 978-3-319-02599-5. s. 47–58. Rose, Carolyn P.; Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Law, Nancy; Cress, Ulrike & Stahl, Gerry (2017). Divisive or...

alfredog - Institutt for l?rerutdanning og skoleforskning

). Experience as Emerging Concept in Contemporary Learning Sciences. I Peters, Michael A. (Red.), Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer... - Faculty of Educational Sciences

BILDE OG BETYDNINGSPRODUKSJON i Unders?kende praksis – en pedagogisk bildepraksis Erling Framgard Dr.philos.-avhandling ved Institutt for pedagogikk, - Det utdanningsvitenskapelige fakultet

BILDE OG BETYDNINGSPRODUKSJON i Unders?kende praksis – en pedagogisk bildepraksis Erling Framgard Dr.philos.-avhandling ved Institutt for pedagogikk,