Persons tagged with ?Forskerforbundet?

Name Phone E-mail Tags
Picture of Belinda Eik?s Skj?stad Skj?stad, Belinda Eik?s Principal Trade Union Offical of the Norwegian Association of Researchers +47-22857768 +47-47390943 Union official, Forskerforbundet
Picture of Cecilie Wingerei Lilleheil Lilleheil, Cecilie Wingerei Trade Union Offical of the Norwegian Association of Researchers Union official, Forskerforbundet
Storvik, Helle Agnete Organisational Officer of the Norwegian Association of Researchers +47-22854368 Union official, Forskerforbundet
Picture of Ingunn Skjerve Skjerve, Ingunn Trade Union Offical of the Norwegian Association of Researchers +47-22855119 Union offical, Forskerforbundet
Picture of Katrine Langvad  Stensl?kken Stensl?kken, Katrine Langvad Administrative coordinator – UiO Growth House +47 419 30 494 Union official, Forskerforbundet