Webpages tagged with ?Nordic music?
The distinguished scholar, professor John Richardson, will be holding a guest lecture on 26 September. The lecture’s title is: The Politics of New Aesthetic Categories in Nordic Pop Performances. Everyone is invited to attend.
The Nordic Sounds seminar, "Making and Unmaking Myths: Popular Music in the Nordic Region Today", is held at ?rebro University, September 19th-20th, 2018.
Jonathan Aagaard and Marcus Sellevold B?e will present work in progress on Right extremism in Norwegian Black metal and Resistance in Nordic Underground Metal Scenes. Professor Stan Hawkins will lead the workshop.
The next Nordic Sounds meeting features visiting guests Professor Fabian Holt (Humbolt-Universit?t zu Berlin) & Professor Tina K. Ramnarine (Royal Holloway University of London), who discuss their chapters in The Oxford Handbook of Popular Music in the Nordic Countries (forthcoming).
The next Nordic Sounds meeting features a presentation from Astrid Kvalbein (Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Musicology, University of Oslo)
As part of the international conference “Global Challenges – Nordic Experiences” happening in Oslo 20-21 March 2017, Deichman will host an event with presentations by music researchers Stéphane Aubinet and Tore St?rvold from The University of Oslo and Nina Nielsen from the Norwegian Academy of Music, followed by a live performance by Torgeir Vassvik.