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Climate cafe: Skillfully dealing with climate related stress

Does the colossal issue of climate change make you stressed, depressed, hopeless, angry or apathetic? Then this event might be for you! 

We will host a special guest, Prof. Fahri Saatcioglu – from the Institute of Biosciences at UiO. Fahri is a molecular and cell biologist and his laboratory studies mechanisms of cancer. At the same time, he has been interested in the mechanisms of mind-body practices and has been conducting research on the potential benefits of yoga, breathwork and meditation in mitigating stress. He will give a presentation of his research on the latter topic and talk about how these methods can help us with climate related stress that we experience. The session will include a practical part with breathing exercise and a guided meditation. After this, the Green Office and Clara Vom Scheidt from Taslima Life Coaching will serve soup and hold the space open for sharing thoughts and feelings on this subject.

Published May 6, 2024 1:28 PM - Last modified Jan. 7, 2025 10:25 AM