Norwegian version of this page

Open Meeting: Plant-Based Unis Oslo

Are you a student in Oslo? Are you interested in climate action at your university? Do you want free lunch? You're invited to Plant-Based Universities Oslo's open meeting!

Students sitting on a row in front of a PBU banner.

Join the student-led campaign for plant-based food at the university!

Register in Nettskjema by 15 February!


Universities have a responsibility to take initiative by taking climate action seriously, especially when much of our knowledge about the climate crisis comes directly from our universities. The science is clear – we cannot tackle the climate crisis without a transition to a just and sustainable plant-based food system.

Today's animal-centric food system has disproportionately negative impacts on climate, biodiversity and pollution. A plant-based food system could free up 76% of the world's agricultural land and reduce food-related greenhouse gas emissions by 49%*. Rewilding this freed-up land will restore wildlife, end mass extinctions and absorb as much CO2 as fossil fuels emit every year**.

The campaign:

Plant-Based Universities is a student-led campaign for all university catering facilities to stop selling animal products and make their menus 100% plant-based in order to limit the university’s contribution to the climate and ecological emergency, and to shift public opinion in favour of a plant-based food system.

Here in Oslo, SiO owns the dining halls, so that's where we're focusing our campaign. Are you a student at UiO, OsloMet or somewhere else connected to SiO? Then we need you! Come to our open meeting to learn more about the campaign, meet other like-minded people and get free lunch. See you there!

Register in Nettskjema by 15 February!

*Poore & Nemecek 2018
**Searchinger et al 2018 


Published Feb. 9, 2024 11:25 AM - Last modified Jan. 7, 2025 10:25 AM