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Sustainathon HF-lawn and IFI-terrace

Do you have an idea for how to make UiO wilder? Then sign up for the Green Office’s Sustainathon and get the chance to win 500,- NOK!

Image may contain: Property, Building, Plant, Tree, Urban design.

What is a Sustainathon?

It’s a practical exercise where you will spend one day working in a group to develop ideas for solving one of the university’s sustainability challenge. At the end of the day, the groups gets 2 minutes to pitch their ideas. A jury chooses the best ideas and one group from each challenge wins the Sustainathon 2024 and a Universal gift card of 500,- NOK each.

Sign up!

If you want to prepare yourself a bit for the HF-lawn challenge, you can answer the survey about how to make the HF-lawn a more biodiverse and inviting place to be here: HF-lawn survey

The two challenges for this Sustainathon:

Challenge 1:

How can the lawn behind the HF-building become a more biodiverse place as well as a more inviting place for students and staff to hang out. This challenge will be presented by the Estate department's Park section.

Challenge 2:

How can the IFI terrace become a more biodiverse and sustainable place as well as a more inviting place for students and staff to be? We wish for solutions which use technology in new and exciting ways. This challenge will be presented by the Green Counsil at IFI.

More practical info:

  • All participants get free lunch, coffee and tea.
  • You will be presented with two different challenges before being divided into your groups.
  • You will get a space at Blindern where you and your group will work to find potential solutions to the challenge, and research how they would work in action.
  • The Green Office team will come by the groups to offer our guidance and try to answer potential questions.
Published Aug. 7, 2024 4:04 PM - Last modified Jan. 7, 2025 10:25 AM