Norwegian version of this page

Nature Conversations

Are you anxious about the future? Are you questioning whether there is really any point to caring?

Image may contain: Plant, Cloud, Nature, Natural landscape, Font.

What is Nature Conversations?

In the fall of 2024, conversation groups will start in Oslo and Trondheim. We aim to create a safe space for sharing experiences, thoughts, and feelings related to the ongoing ecological crisis. The event will be held in Norwegian. The conversation groups are based on the understanding that psychological and existential reactions to the ongoing ecological crisis should not be viewed as pathological, but as a rational response to a real problem. Key concepts include "wonder rather than solutions," coping strategies, and self-care. We hope that shared reflection can help you feel less alone in your anxiety and help support emotionally sustainable engagement. 

By participating in the group you will get the chance to:

  • Air thoughts, feelings, and experiences with others who feel similarly.
  • Relax by participating in simple excercises in being present.
  • Get in touch with your own passion for climate- and nature related causes and find out how you can explore this passion in your daily life.

We will meet weekly in the afternoons over a period of 5 weeks. The gatherings will have a flexible format but will typically have a theme (feelings, responsibility, relationships, etc.) and will consist of a check-in, a longer group discussion, and a reflection exercise. The meetings will be facilitated by two professionals and will last 1.5 hours. Participation is FREE, and light refreshments will be provided.

Sign up here!


19 September, 26 September, 3 October, 10 October and 17 October. 

About us

Nature Converations (Natursamtaler in Norwegian) is a collaboration between Green Office at UiO, The Student Humanits UiO og NTNU and memebers of Norsk Psykologforenings Klimautvalg. We also collaborate with Klimapsykologisk Ungdomsforening who's had great sucsess with a similar concept in Denmark. 

Questions? Please contact Natursamtaler by e-mail or pop by Green Office. 

Published Sep. 9, 2024 9:26 AM - Last modified Sep. 12, 2024 1:30 PM