As part of UiO's climate and environmental work, Green Office offers financial support for green projects or activities.
The projects must be in line with UiO's climate and environmental strategy, and preferably connect students and staff in green collaborative projects.
Who can apply?
Students, staff and student organizations at UiO. Grant applications involving both staff and students will be given priority.
Students with a business idea are referred to Insj: Home - Insj UiO
What can you apply for?
New initiatives and activities that create engagement around UiO's climate and environmental goals. We are particularly looking for projects that:
- Create interaction between staff and students
- Link knowledge to action
- Are relevant to the objectives of the Climate and Environment Strategy and/or the action plan.
It is an advantage if the project can lead to lasting measures, activities or changes that can have ripple effects in society around us.
How to apply:
You apply via Nettskjema where you describe the project, its purpose, an approximate timeline and budget. You will then be contacted by the Green Office for a possible clarification dialogue or an answer to the application.
The Green Office will help the projects that are granted support with marketing and communication. The project group is expected to make a short report and hold a presentation for the Green Office team after implementation.
How much?
Each project can receive up to NOK 30,000.
When to apply:
The application form is open at all times, but we will only process applications after each of our deadlines which are 15th of March, 1st of May, 1st of October, and 1st of December.
Thank you UiS for inspiration and guidance!