City Connection
Supports City of Oslo goals foudn within the “A good life - all your life” quality reform and the Age-friendly City strategy. The goal is that elderly should get better help and support to live the life they want. The strategy has six focus; participation in society, transport, housing, outdoor areas and physical activity, communication and participation, and health and care services. The project connected with three city districts - Gamle Oslo, Nodre Aker and Alna.
Key Staff Contact: Monica Enge Eriksen, Special Adviser at the City Council Department of health, aging and municipal services (HEI)
City Stakeholders: Mari-Anne st?mner Daae, Furuset Senior Center; Aina Westby, City District Alna; Lisbeth ?sg?rd Meidell, City District Gamle Oslo
Oslo started their initiative “Age-friendly city” in 2015, but they're having problems reaching out to and engaging elderly minority immigrants. The three main barriers to reaching out to the elderly minorities are language, lack of trust, and lack of information.
Project Description
The Communication Compass is a guide for the City of Oslo to shorten the distance between them and elderly minorities. The main idea is to use resource persons to convey information between the municipality and elderly minorities. A resource person is a person that understands both cultures. By using the resource person's trust, connections, and their ability to communicate with a wider cultural group, you can remove the barriers.
A part of the Communication Compass is establishing a database of these resource persons. In this way, neighbouring senior centers, senior advisers or city districts can utilize each others resources.
Project Outcomes
The Communication Compass model was informed and tested by City of Oslo staff and elderly from G?rnland Senior Center and Furuset Senior Center. The model has been well received. Brochures and videos are available for potential stewards. In early 2022, it will be shared with KS to explore scalability.
Group Members
Brage Aleksander Helle, Urban- and Regional Planning, NMBU
- Allan B?kkelie, Administration- and Leadership, OsloMet
- Kristine Nicolaisen, Landscape Architecture, NMBU
- Ellen Mangen, Human Geography, UiO