City Connection
The project is based on the Campus Oslo Strategy made by the Department for Business Development and Public Ownership. We worked with the project manager for Innovation District City Center, Lone Jessen.
Key Staff Contact: Lone Jessen, OsloMet and May Hald, Deparment for Public Ownership and Business Development
The strong presence and involvement of higher education institutions in IDCC, makes the axis between Pilestredet and Kvadraturen a very student rich and student friendly district. In the project participation for Innovation, students have been given the opportunity to participate and influence IDCC?s further development and establishment.
Project Description
The students gave feedback through a participation process that took place in November/December 2021. Between November 18th and December 2nd students from OsloMet, UiO and H?yskolen Kristiania answered a survey about their relationship to innovation, practical experience, and their wishes for the innovation district. December 1st, 9 students from OsloMet and H?yskolen Kristiania participated in a workshop where they gave suggestions on area development for students and how they want to be represented in the innovation district. Based on this information, Participation for Innovation has formulated 10 suggestions for meeting the needs of students.
The suggestions from the students have been formulated as specific actions divided in three categories: identity and inclusion, infrastructure and innovation. These suggestions will be presented for the steering committee and distributed to relevant stakeholders. The project will also be presented for NIBIR and OsloMet’s rectorate in 2022.
Group Members
- Tiril Mariero, Human Geography, UiO
- Maria Johansen Greenidge, Human Geography, UiO
- Birmeji Wayu, Administration and Leadership, OsloMet
- Marte Vestvik, International Environment and Development Studies, NMBU