Project Context
Campus Oslo designates Innovation District Hovinbyen (IDHB) as one of Oslo’s three innovation districts. ?kern, Ulven, and Haralrud set the preliminary frames of IDHB, an area characterized by heavy infrastructure, industrial buildings, and lack of urban life.
Solution City is a response to the current state of the innovation district and projected plans for the area. It is the result of a series of meetings with a range of stakeholders involved in the development of the area. Hours have been spent exploring ?kern, Ulven, and Haraldrud as well as surrounding areas. These processes, combined with a deep dive into innovation district theory, city plans, and strategies have led to valuable insights that are synthesized into the digital booklet called Solution City.
Solution City presents social opportunities that can create activity and urban life in Innovation District Hovinbyen today. To create a successful innovation district, one needs people, and people need places where they can meet, hang-out, and enjoy themselves. Social arenas are therefore necessary to kickstart the social dimension of IDHB, to create arenas for work, life, and innovation.
Solution City will spark discussion on how to create a socially sustainable and inclusive innovation district in Hovinbyen, while also contributing with proposals. The visual aids, maps, and models in the booklet can single-handedly present the message, and can easily be adopted by others. Solution City’s IDHB-model has already been used in a seminar held by Gro Sandkj?r Hansen for Asker municipality. If suggested measures are adopted and implemented, the outcome will be a more socially inclusive Innovation District.
Group members
- Maja Raz Karterud, International Environment and Development Studies, NMBU
- Taale Kj?s, Landscape Architecture, NMBU
- Solveig ?vereng Larssen, International Environment and Development Studies, NMBU
- Idar Henrik Seem, Human Geography, UiO