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Osloforskning grant

Master’s degree students at the University of Oslo who are in their final year of studies, are eligible to apply for grant from Osloforskning. The grant is up to 40 000 kr for work on master's theses with topics related to Oslo.

Application deadlines: February 15th and September 15th every year.

About the grant

Many topics and subject areas are relevant, and all interesting project proposals will be given serious consideration. Relevant topics include: health, environment and living conditions, housing conditions, minority cultures, history, architecture, language and public policy.

Only students in their final year can apply, preferably after finished collecting all data. Your Master thesis need to be submitted no more than one year after you won the grant.

Please note that all applicants must be affiliated with the University of Oslo.

The grant is advertised twice a year and going to be taxed. 

What we emphasize when assessing applications

  • That the project is Oslo-relevant

This means that the topic must be directly related to the Oslo metropolitan region and/or particularly relevant to Oslo municipality's work.

  • The scientific quality of the project outline

In order for the application to be assessed as worthy of support, there must be a good match between issues, analytical framework and methodological choices.

  • The feasibility of the project

Oslo Research only wishes to support sketches that make it clear that the project can be carried out within the time frame with available resources, and that demonstrate research ethical awareness.


Remember that the application is going to be read and assessed by a board made up of representatives from various disciplines. It is therefore important that the application is understandable and clear for people who do not know the field.

Applications must be accompanied by the following:

  • a completely filled-out application form. The application form contains the project description which can be max. 2000 words. In addition to 2000 words, you also need to submit a reference list.
  • a transcript of marks from the place of learning (in PDF or from the Diploma portal; no photo images or screen shots)
  • a recommendation from your academic advisor with signature

The project description contains the following parts:

  1. The project's content and research question (what will be addressed) and an assessment of feasibility
  2. Relevance for Osloforskning
  3. Theoretical frame
  4. Data and method to be used
  5. Ethical considerations on the design of the project
  6. Reference list

Note: All attachments must be uploaded to the nettskjema in PDF format. We receive the application electronically when you press "submit". You receive an automatic confirmation in your browser.

In case of questions, get in touch with Katalin Varga, Department of Sociology and Human Geography.

Published Jan. 22, 2024 3:38 PM - Last modified Jan. 6, 2025 2:47 PM