The Norwegian Programme for Capacity Building in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED) is managed by Norad. UiO participated in nine NORHED I projects 2014-19.  NORHED II was launched in 2020 with projects starting in 2021.

The ENABLE project: Teaching a class where blind students are Integrated. (Photo: Bj?rn Skaar)

The goal of NORHED is to build higher education and research capacities mainly in low and middle income countries (LMICs), as a means to enhance sustainable conditions conducive to societal development and poverty reduction.

The NORHED programme supports cooperation between higher education institutions in Norway and low- and middle income countries, and the projects may combine different capacity building elements like research projects, PhD- and master education and institutional/administrative capacity building activities. The programme is intended to enable flexible and long term cooperation.

The University of Oslo is Norwegian main partner in seven NORHED projects 2013-18 and is participating in two others where NTNU and the Universty of Troms? are main Norwegian partners.

Project title UiO coordinator Main partner(s)

UiO's NORHED I projects 2013-18

ENABLE: Higher Education and Multimedia in Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation

Per Hetland, Department of Education Kyambogo University, Uganda

TRANSLED (Transformation, Language, Education and Development)

Ola Erstad, Department of Education State University of Zanzibar, Tanzania

Strategic and collaborative capacity development in Ethiopia and Africa (SACCADE)

Jeanette Magnus, Institute of Health and Society Jimma University, Ethiopia

Health and sustainable development in Myanmar-competence building in public health and medical research and education

Espen Bjertness, Institute of Health and Society University of Public Health, Yangon, Myanmar

Strengthening Capacity for Democratic and Economic Governance in Malawi

Dan Banik, Centre for Development and the Environment University of Malawi, Malawi

Masters and PhD programme for capacity building in law faculties: Engendering human rights and law in Southern and Eastern Africa

Anne Hellum, Department of Public and International Law University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

Linguistic Capacity Building – Tools for the inclusive development of Ethiopia

Janne Bondi Johannessen, Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Hawassa University – PhD-programme in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

Arnoldo Frigessi, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences NTNU, Norway and Hawassa University, Ethiopia

Development of a novel nursing and midwifery graduate and postgraduate training programme in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Institute of Clinical Medicine University of Troms?, Norway and University of Malawi, Malawi

How to cooperate with UiO in NORHED II?

At UiO project cooperation always starts with common interests among academic staff at UiO and the potential partner institution, so start discussing your project ideas with your colleagues, and then at department level.

NORHED institutional contact persons at UiO


Tone Hoff Karabiyik, Adviser, Office for Research and International Cooperation

Tine T?ng Engvik, Adviser, Educational Quality Office

Useful links

More information about the programme is found on the NORHED website at Norad.

UiO Guidelines for North-South Cooperation

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Published Mar. 16, 2016 9:55 AM - Last modified July 10, 2023 10:38 PM