Cooperation with India focuses on top-level research and interdisciplinarity within broad areas such as energy, equality, climate change and health as well as language and culture.

Research collaboration
UiO has research collaboration with Indian partners within the natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities, addressing a wide range of areas. Several of UiO's Centres of Excellence (CoE), both national and Nordic, include collaboration with Indian partners. Below are some specific thematic focus areas for UiO's research collaboration with Indian partners:
Energy, Climate and the Environment
Information Systems and Global Health
UiO's Department of Informatics, has extensive collaboration with India through the Health Information Systems Programme (HISP) and HISP-INDIA, which aims to strengthen the development and use of integrated health information systems within a public health inspired framework in India and the South Asian region. HISP is a dynamic 'network for action' at UiO comprising of various entities, including universities, Ministries of Health, international agencies such as WHO and NORAD, and in-country implementing agencies.
Economic growth, global governance and sustainable development
The Department of Economics at the Faculty of Social Sciences hosts the Centre for the study of Equality, Social Organisation and Performance, ESOP, collaborates with several leading research and higher edcuation institutions in India, such as Delhi School of Economics and Jawaharlal Nehru University as well as with the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) and the Centre for Research on the Economics of Climate, Food, Energy and the Environment (CECFEE) to address various research areas with a focus on economic growth and sustainable development in India.
UiO's Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM) conducts research with Indian partners on Global Governance. An overview of current events and activities relating to India as well as other Asian countries my be found through the Asia Network managed by SUM.
Collaboration in education
The Department of Culture and Oriental Studies (IKOS) has extensive cooperation with Indian partners in research and education on South Asian politics, society, culture and languages. The Department is a founder member of the Nordic Centre in India which offers students both short programs- and semester long study options in cooperation with indian partners.
UiO has several bilateral agreements with Indian partners, some of which also include student exchange.
Bilateral agreements
Exchange agreements with universities in India (in Norwegian)