All participants will complete module 1 including the multiplier event. All administrative staff will also complete Module 2, whereas higher education teaching staff can choose to complete Module 2 or not. It is not possible to take only Module 2.
Module 1: Understanding Academic Freedom and Related Higher Education Values
In the first module there will be focus on international standards and instruments for promoting higher education values and negotiating and implementing inter-university partnerships. The training will focus on fundamental university values such as equitable access, administrative accountability, institutional autonomy, academic freedom and social responsibility. Participants will also examine the challenges for institutions as they enter into agreements with partners in in places where academic freedom is severely limited. Participants will discuss real cases, share and discuss experiences, dilemmas and best practices.
Multiplier event
On Wednesday there will be an open multiplier event including representatives from various relevant organizations as well as Oslo municipality, the adult education services etc. This day will focus on the situation of higher education in conflict areas, human rights of academic staff and the threats to students and academics in countries where academic freedom is severely limited. Many academics and students leave their countries of origin as refugees or through various assistance programmes. How can these students and academics be assisted in their efforts to continue their careers and contribute to the society in their home regions or in Europe?
Module 2: Welcoming Refugees and Threatened Academics on Campus
The Second module of the training will focus on the more practical work of welcoming and integrating refugees and threatened academics to campus. It will include sharing experiences and policies of European HEIs on the practical aspects of hosting refugees and threatened academics, including recognition of qualifications, language training, integration into study programmes, handling risk and security, psychosocial support, and much more.Participants are expected to bring examples of how their own institutions work in this area.
Both modules and the multiplier event will give opportunities to share and discuss experiences, dilemmas and best practices in the various areas of the training. There will be a mixture of plenary sessions and group sessions. In some sessions participants will be divided according to track/training interests. Researchers and students hosted by Scholars at risk member institutions will contribute to the training by sharing experiences and taking part in discussions.
Tracks/core groups:
- Refugee students in higher education
- Refugees with completed higher education (academics and professionals)
- Academic freedom and threatened academics/ scholars at risk
- Values in higher education and research
- Values in international cooperation
(these may be slightly adjusted closer to the event based on participants backgrounds and interests)
Further details of the programme will be provided closer to the event.
Monday 19 June | Tuesday 20 June | Wednesday 21 June | Thursday 22 June | Friday 23 June | |
Morning | Personal appointments at UiO | Module 1: Academic Freedom / Higher Education Values | Multiplier event | Module 2: Welcoming Refugees and threatened scholars to Campus | Module 2: Welcoming Refugees and threatened scholars to Campus |
Afternoon |
Module 1: Academic Freedom / Higher Education Values Welcome and introductory sessions |
Module 1: Academic Freedom / Higher Education Values | Multiplier event | Module 2: Welcoming Refugees and threatened scholars to Campus | Personal appointments at UiO |
Evening | Welcome dinner | Optional visit to Bygd?y with Viking ship museum and picnic | Farewell party |