University of Oslo Sylff Scholarships
The?University of Oslo Sasakawa Young Leaders Scholarship Fund was established at the University of Oslo in 1988.
Funds of up to NOK 50 000,- per applicant may be applied for?to contribute to cover costs related to a research stay abroad for selected UiO post-graduate students within the areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Education and Theology.
Scholarships aim at stimulating international dialogue and understanding, and Sylff fellows are selected not only for their academic achievements, but for their potential as socially engaged future leaders. It’s therefore a requirement that the applicant can document social engagement.
Sylff call spring 2025
The Sylff call spring 2025 is open. Please apply via the Unifor application portal. Deadline for submitting your application is 15 March 2025.
Sylff call autumn 2024
The Sylff call autumn 2024 is closed. Applicants will be notified about the outcome by Unifor in week 7.
Application process and deadlines
Scholarships are offered twice annually, through calls at?Unifor.
Applications must be submitted through Unifor's application portal by the call deadline. Submission deadlines are December 1st and March 15th.
Applications will be considered by the UiO Sylff Steering Committee.
Application requirements
Applications must be submitted in English and contain the following:
- Well-formulated motivation letter
- CV (incl. academic and social leadership qualities described)
A concise description of the research project, outlining how the international research activities and the funds will support the project’s objectives. Max. 5 pages.
- Relevant and modest budget, maximum NOK 50 000,-, clearly presented
- Recommendation letter(s) from supervisor, and from host supervisor (if applicable)
- Confirmation of admission or visit from receiving institution (where relevant)
- Statement of willingness to identify as a UiO Sylff Fellow and to participate in building UiO’s Sylff Fellows Network during and after the funding period.
Eligibility criteria
Sylff is primarily intended for candidates currently involved in a PhD programme at UiO. Excellent Master’s level applicants may also be considered, but PhD qualified candidates will be given priority.
An applicant cannot be granted Sylff funding more than three times.
Applicants may apply for a maximum amount of 50?000 NOK.
Funding may be used for:
- Expenses related to travel and accommodation (for example airplane tickets, hotel or rental of temporary housing expenses, conference fees, visa costs or insurance)
- Purchase of equipment
The Sylff scholarship does not cover expenses typically associated with wages, such as food, commuting, daycare fees, mortgage payments, enrolment to courses etc.
Accompanying family cannot be supported by Sylff funds.
After the Sylff stay
Applicants who have received funding must deliver a report containing a financial account of how the allocated funding has been used. Expenses must be documented with receipts.
Sylff Fellows
Successful applicants become Sylff Fellows.?Sylff Fellows?are eligible to apply to?Sylff?Support programs?aiming to facilitate Sylff fellows’ academic advancement, leadership development and networking among one another.?Sylff Fellows?may apply directly through the?Tokyo Foundation.
Frequently asked questions
What does “social engagement” mean?
Sylff fellows are selected not only for their academic achievements, but for their potential as socially engaged future leaders. It’s therefore a requirement that the applicant can document social engagement, for example voluntary work, participation in in civil society organizations or student associations, political engagement, etc.
I have received Sylff funds before. Can I apply again?
Yes, Sylff grant recipients are in fact encouraged to apply again, but you can't be granted funding more than three times.
What kind of stay can I apply for?
PhD students may apply for research activities abroad, for example data collection, field studies, conference participation, research stays etc. that are directly linked to their projects and bring them into contact with relevant institutions and organizations. Master students may apply for funding that support their master thesis, such as field research and extracurricular activities such as participation at international academic conferences. Master students may not apply for support for taking courses at foreign institutions.
Do I have to document costs after my stay?
Applicants who have received funding must deliver a report containing a financial account of how the allocated funding has been used. Expenses must be documented with receipts.
How much can I apply for?
Applicants may apply for a maximum amount of 50?000 NOK.
How should I set up my budget?
Please fill out the budget template in the Unifor application portal. Please note that you cannot apply for more funding than specified in your budget. The budget must be well-defined, itemized and realistic. The budget must be clearly linked to the activities you apply for funding for.
I do not have a Norwegian electronic ID (bank-ID). How can I apply?
Registration in Unifor’s application portal requires identification through bank-ID. If you do not have one, your supervisor (or another person associated with the application, for example the project leader) needs to submit the application on your behalf.
How and when will I be notified about the result of my application?
The result will be announced in Unifor’s application portal. Please check the call text for information regarding the call timeline.
I can’t travel according to plan due to unforeseen events. Can I apply for a postponement?
Yes, it is possible to apply for a postponed reporting deadline pending clarification of the situation. Please apply via your Unifor user account.
My plans changed. Can I spend my Sylff funding on other trips or activities?
It is possible to apply for reallocation of funds.
An application for reallocation of funds must be short and precise, with the necessary references to the original application. It must contain information about desired changes, new priorities, as well as reasons for why the changes are being made. An updated budget with an overview of new expenditure items must also be attached.
The application for reallocation of funds is sent to UNIFOR by e-mail at Applications are assessed continuously.
I’m a Postdoc. Can I apply for the Sylff scholarship?
No. The Sylff scholarship is intended preliminary for Ph.D. students, and in some cases also Master’s students.
I have been offered a Ph.D. position at the UiO, but my starting date is after the Sylff application deadline. Can I still apply?
Yes, provided the research period you’re applying for funds for takes place after your starting date, you are welcome to apply. Please include a contract or other proof of employment at UiO in your application.