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Would you like to collaborate with students in other countries?

Do you want international experience and new networks by collaborating with students in other countries? Do you have an idea or something you are passionate about? Now you can be a part of developing projects for students in the university alliance Circle U. You can apply for funding from UiO.

Bildet kan inneholde: bord, computer, b?rbar datamaskin, personlig datamaskin, mote.

Here is an opportunity for all students and student organizations at the University of Oslo. In addition to funding, we also provide contacts at other universities and other administrative support where possible.

What do we support?

We support projects organized and led by students, and you are welcome to collaborate. There are no thematic limitations, but it must fit within the profile of Circle U. Activities can include seminars and courses, debates, conferences, workshops, and/or cultural/social events. We are open to ideas and suggestions!

What are the requirements for receiving funding?

In addition to being initiated by students at the University of Oslo, the project must be:

  • Targeted at students and open to students in the Circle U. university alliance.
  • The projects must involve staff and/or students from at least one other university in Circle U.
  • The funds you apply for must be directly related to the development and implementation of the project.

How much funding can you apply for?

The total amount a project can be awarded is between 10,000 and 50,000 NOK.

How to apply

Fill in the form below, and we will contact you. Applications are processed on an ongoing basis. The project must be completed by the end of 2025.

Apply for support for the development of a student project


If you have any questions about the announcement or wish to discuss ideas, contact: ?ystein Moen, coordinator for Circle U. at UiO.

What is Circle U.? 

Circle U. is an alliance between the University of Oslo and eight other European universities. In Circle U., we collaborate to develop new, international opportunities for students and staff. Circle U. particularly focuses on climate, democracy, and global health. In addition to UiO, the following universities are part of the alliance: Aarhus University (Denmark), Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin (Germany), King’s College London (United Kingdom), Univerzitet u Beogradu (Serbia), Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), Université Paris Cité (France), Università di Pisa (Italy), and Universit?t Wien (Austria).

Find out more about Circle U. and the opportunities for students at

Published Nov. 20, 2024 11:41 AM - Last modified Nov. 20, 2024 2:08 PM