Speak up!
Reporting by students
Tell us about your learning environment, both criticism and praise! In particular we ask that you notify severe, censurable conditions.
Reporting by employees
If you discover censurable conditions or behaviour that may be detrimental to UiO or to individual persons at UiO, please tell us.
Are you a PhD candidate?
To notify censurable conditions, use the Speak up/ report about the learning environment channel if you are not employed at UiO, and the Report censurable conditions channel if you are employed.
Daily maintenance
Do you have needs related to cleaning, outdoor space, waste, internal relocation, courier services or other daily maintenance work?
HSE deviations
Employees are asked to report all incidents that have led to or could cause harm to people, the environment and facilities, as well as violations of safety regulations.
Research ethics
Anyone who discovers a possible violation of regocnised norms on research ethics at UiO, can report it.