Reporting of possible violations of recognised norms in research ethics
Research at the University of Oslo shall be conducted in accordance with recognised norms in research ethics. Anyone who discovers a possible violation of these norms at UiO, can report it.
If you have discovered a possible violation of recognised ethical norms in research conducted at UiO, you can report it here. It is not necessary to be an employee or a student at the University of Oslo to report a case.
Important information
What can be reported?
Violations of recognised norms in research ethics is defined as violations of general and field-specific guidelines for scientific practice. Standard for research integrity at UiO clarifies what sets of norms must be followed, be it national or international.
See also the general and field-specific guidelines developed by The National Ethics Committees (
If you are uncertain as to whether a possible violation have occurred, you can discuss the issue with your immediate manager. You can also contact The Science Ombud at UiO for advice.
Who can report possible violations?
Everyone has a right to report possible violations of recognised norms in research ethics at UiO. It is not necessary to be an employee or a student at the University of Oslo to report a case.
Is there a statute of limitation on violations of norms in research ethics?
There is no statute of limitation in these cases. It does not matter when the research in question was conducted or published.
Is the reporting of a case anonymous?
Your reporting will not be anonymous, but the case will be processed exempted from public disclosure until a final statement is available from The Research Ethics Committee. The final statement will be made public in an anonymised version.
Who receives the case and how is it processed?
Your report is received by the secretariat of The Research Ethics Committee at UiO. You will receive a confirmation that your case has been received, and the case will be presented to the Research Ethics Committee for a first evaluation of the case.
The Research Ethics Committee will then process the case according to the guidelines for the processing of cases of possible violations of recognised norms in research ethics at the University of Oslo.
Will the person who is reported for possible violations be notified?
The person who is reported for possible violations of recognised norms in research ethics has the right to know about the accusation, get access to the case and to make a statement. This means that the notified will know who reported the case.
The person or persons who are reported will be invited to a conversation with the Research Ethics Commission. All parties in the case will be notified when a final statement from the committee is available.
Public disclosure
Your case will be archived in UiO’s archive system. The title of the case, as well as the time when it was received, will be published in UiO’s public journal. We do not publish your name or other information that can reveal your identity, or the identity of the parties implicated in the case in the public journal.
That the case is posted in the public journal means that someone who, based on the title, become interested in the case, can ask to read the case documents. This could for instance be journalists. All confidential information will be removed before the document is released.
All case documents, except for the initial report, could be made public in accordance with the Norwegian Freedom of Information Act after the case is processed (delayed public disclosure). The final statement from the Research Ethics Committee in the case will be public. Personal information that is considered confidential will, however, be exempt from public disclosure.
Form for reporting
Possible violations of recognised norms in research ethics at the University of Oslo are reported through an online form. It is not necessary to be an employee or a student at UiO to report a case.
The form is submitted through a secure, encrypted electronic line to the secretariate of the Research Ethics Committee.
For more information on what can be reported, procedures for processing the case and more, see UiO's main page for the reporting of such cases.
The secretariate of the Research Ethics Committee: