Students as entrepreneurs and innovators
Empirical studies of innovation in universities show that students and alumni are more likely to start new businesses compared to university faculty. Yet, innovation efforts in universities focus mainly on academic staff, not students. Enabling interest and involvement in innovation and entrepreneurship among students is likely to have broad social and economic impacts. Are universities missing out on the most important role universities have in promoting innovation and societal change?
In this café, we look at how universities enable student participation in innovation and the impacts it may have for students, universities and society. Partners in the Circle U University Alliance will share their experiences and discuss how to establish good practices.

Why is it important to support student innovation?
- Amélie Jacquemin, Professor at Louvain University, Academic chair, Circle U.
- Taran Thune, Professor at University of Oslo, Academic chair, Circle U.
- Torleif Tollefsrud Gj?lberg, CSO, Authera AS & Scientist, Oslo University Hospital
What can universities do to stimulate and support student innovators?
- Adriana Maria Hansen, Business developer, The Kitchen, Aarhus University
- Jessica Horwill, Strategic Project Manager, King's Entrepreneurship Institute, King’s College, London
- ?istein Sonstad, CEO, Insj UiO
Reflections from the leadership at the University of Oslo
How should the University of Oslo support student innovation? What do we need to know? What do we need to do? Vice-Rector Bj?rn Stensaker, UiO
Closing remarks and farewell.
What is Circle U. and Circle U. Café?
Circle U. is our European University Alliance, and your chance to cooperate with colleagues all over Europe. At Circle U. Café we discuss topics relevant for European higher education and research.