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Circle U. Café: Student breakfast

Would you like to work internationally? Collaborate with other students to develop services for students? Contribute to solving sustainability challenges for the agricultural sector in Tuscany? All this (and more) is possible through the university alliance Circle U. How? Join us for the student breakfast!

Bilde fra foajeen i Georg Sverdrups hus



  • Introduction by Vice-Rector for Education, Bj?rn Stensaker, who will briefly talk about Circle U.
  • Students Caspar, Kristine, and Maja will talk about the role of student fellows and why you should apply for one of the four positions that are advertised.
  • Bj?rn Stensaker will provide information about the opportunity all UiO students have to apply for funding to develop international student projects.


  • Café where you are invited to have breakfast and a cup of coffee with the speakers, and discuss how you can join the Circle U. fun!

What is Circle U.?

Circle U. is a university alliance. The University of Oslo is working together with eight other European universities to create a common campus among the nine universities.

The nine universities in Circle U. are:

Published Nov. 20, 2024 10:56 AM - Last modified Feb. 28, 2025 1:35 PM