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Guest lectures and seminars

Upcoming 5 days

24 Feb.
Time and place: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Jerry Montonen is a PhD student in Economics at Aalto University and Helsinki GSE. He will present the paper "Dating and Breaking Up With the Boss: Benefits, Costs and Spillovers" (written with David Macdonald and Emily Nix).

25 Feb.
Time and place: , Forum, Oslo Science Park

We are welcoming Simon Henriet from EMBL partner, the Michael Sars Centre in Bergen. He will present his work: "Reprogramming intron recognition at the base of the vertebrate phylum".

Time and place: , Henrik Wergelandshus, 421

Eidmant? Kala?inskait?-Zavi?ien? (Vytautas Magnus University) will present ongoing work on Lithuanian phrasing and prosodic hierarchy

Further upcoming events

Time and place: , 1249 at Eilert Sundts hus

Department seminar. Zack Grossman is an Associate Professor of economics at UC Merced. He will present the paper "Unwillingly Informed: the Prosocial Impact of Third-Party Informers" (written with Tony Hua, Jo Thori Lind and Karine Nyborg).

Time and place: , Seminar room 15, P.A. Munchs hus, Blindern

Actor Mads Ousdal will talk about his experience with playing Alfred Allmers in Ibsen's Little Eyolf.

Time and place: , Henrik Wergelands hus 225

Camilla Lee presents preliminary findings from her PhD project on emotional self-regulating strategies and writing processes, and she discusses ways to conceptualize well-being in the context of second language writing.

Time and place: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Jacopo Bizzotto is an Associate Professor of Economics at OsloMet. He will present the paper "Design and Sale of Market Segments" (written with Jesper Rüdiger and Stefan Terstiege).

Time and place: , 1249 at Eilert Sundts hus

Department seminar. Jette Bredahl Jacobsen is a Professor at the Department of Food and Resource Economics at the University of Copenhagen. She will present the paper "Incorporating biodiversity into net national income".