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New Covid-19 measures: face mask, home office, events

Mandatory face masks when it is not possible to uphold social distancing, more use of home office where possible, and restrictions on events are among the new measures. 

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The government and Oslo Municipality have introduced Covid-19 measures (  for affected municipalities (effective from midnight between 2 and 3 December). The measures will be reassessed in two weeks.

Rules and recommendations regarding infection prevention and detection, quarantine, testing, isolation, travel and so on are regularly updated on, and UiO?s units are asked to refer here should they have any related questions:  

Oslo Municipality is looking at the possibility of handing out self-tests. This has not been clarified yet, we will return with more information.

Physical presence and home office 

It is stated by the government that workplaces, where working from home is possible without compromising important and necessary services, shall ensure that employees work from home all or part of the week. For example, employees can work from home half of the time. 

It is for the individual manager in dialogue with the employee to assess physical presence v. home office accordingly. 

Please refer to UiO's guidelines for remote work

Face mask, social distancing, close contacts 

Face masks are required when it is not possible to uphold social distancing, such as in shops, shopping centreson public transport, in taxis and restaurants. Keep your distance from others, preferably one meter where possible. Avoid hugging and shaking hands. 

Adults should consider whether their number of close contacts can be somewhat reduced. 

The units must consider whether to recommend face masks where it is not possible to maintain social distancing.

Exams and studies 

UiO?has planned for an uncertain infection situation?and has retained infection control measures in the examination rooms in?Silurveien. Only half of the seats in the halls are used, and there is at least 1 m distance between the candidates during the exam. Approximately 15% of all exams this autumn are school exams with supervision, while 85% of all exams are other forms of exams such as home exams / portfolio / semester assignments etc.?

As a result of the Covid-19 infection situation and changes in national and regional rules and recommendations, the University Director has decided to temporarily allow self-declaration in the event of absence from examinations with physical attendance requirements.

Christmas parties and other events 

Limited number of 600 people with cohorts of 200 people for indoor events without fixed allocated seats. 

The units must facilitate for possible events and Christmas parties in accordance with the infection control rules. Pubs and cellars must comply with regulations in Oslo Municipality (Norwegian only).

Published Dec. 3, 2021 2:27 PM - Last modified Jan. 8, 2024 10:51 AM