70.9 percent of UiO's employees responded to the survey.
"I want to thank everyone who has responded. Now we are looking forward to the units working to understand the results, maintain the good results, and look at areas for improvement," says university director Arne Benjaminsen.
The survey questions focus on what employees at UiO think about participation and flow of information, interaction and support, work climate, management, colleagues, tasks, and everyday life. Overall, employees are most positive about the support they receive from and give to their closest colleagues, and about being able to utilise their knowledge and skills in their jobs. At the same time, many report work overload, and they call for more participation and involvement, and better flow of information.
"This is important feedback from the employees, and we must work on measures at all levels to improve the situation in the coming months," continues Benjaminsen.
The work environment survey ARK was conducted in February and March, and now the results for UiO. Around May 15, a comprehensive report will be released, which will address questions about unacceptable behaviour.
More about the ARK survey
- Download the results for UiO as a whole (pdf, 1,12 MB)
- Download results for faculties and other units (added March 10)
- Work environment survey 2024 – for managers (in Norwegian)
- Work environment survey 2024 – for employees
How to read the results
- The columns show average values and standard deviations (black lines)
- Some questions are marked with (R). These questions were originally formulated negatively, but in the presentation they are flipped, so that a high score represents a positive result.
- The results are shown thematically, in addition to some individual questions within each theme.
- When comparing with previous years, these are the combined data from the units at UiO that have conducted ARK previously.