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UiO’s contribution to reconstructing the Gaza Strip

Collaboration with international alliances, initiatives towards the Palestinian research and education sector, and nominations of Palestinian students to the Students at Risk programme. These are some of the measures UiO will implement in the time to come.

The University Aula with blue skies in the background

Photo: Anders Lien/UiO.

In the meeting of the University Board 14 May 2024, a resolution was made regarding what UiO can contribute towards the reconstruction of the Palestinian research and education sector when conditions eventually allow for this.

– When the time comes for the reconstruction of the Palestinian research and education sector, UiO will actively contribute to getting it back on its feet. We will also aim to help Palestinian researchers and students that are affected by the war right now. This also means taking care of our own employees and students affected by everything that is happening, says Svein St?len, Rector at the University of Oslo.

Given the current situation at the Gaza Strip, UiO has laid out its measures in both short- and long-term perspectives.

Short-term perspective

UiO welcomes three Palestinian researchers through the Scholars at Risk programme and one through our own support scheme for Ukrainian and Palestinian researchers. One of the researchers has arrived already, the next two researchers are arriving soon, while the fourth is still in Gaza.

– We have formally supported a motion asking the government to introduce temporary arrangements for Palestinians with a connection to Norway, to ensure prompt granting of entry permits and assistance from the government to come to Norway, says St?len.

UiO will nominate candidates from the Gaza Strip to the Students at Risk programme for the autumn of 2024, and will suggest that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs creates additional stipends for this programme for the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as was previously done for Russia and Belarus.

Existing actions

UiO are working with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) to ensure that the NORHED-projects in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are not put on hold. We are in contact with our Palestinian partners in the Gaza Strip and are attempting to keep up the activities as usual in the West Bank.

– In addition to the Scholars at Risk programme and the UiO support scheme for Palestinian and Ukrainian researchers, we have general offers for refugees that have come to Norway. This includes short study programmes in English, master’s degree programmes in English, and various Norwegian language courses, St?len explains.

UiO offers work placement for refugees through the municipal Introduction programme. The purpose of the work placement is for participants to obtain language training and knowledge about working in Norway.

Long-term perspective

If an external partner is going to contribute to the reconstruction of a society after war and conflict, this should happen in close collaboration with local forces that defines what the needs may be, to ensure appropriate measures.

– A “bottom-up” approach could, in collaboration with other actors, contribute to increased local capacity building. This is essential, says St?len.

UiO has had a long-standing collaboration with Palestinian research and educational institutions, especially Birzeit University. Birzeit and other universities in the West Bank are now working on measures to support academia in the Gaza Strip in rebuilding the sector.  

– UiO will contact Birzeit University to get more information about what they are planning and how we might contribute. Possible measures are the creation of digital courses, digital infrastructure, student exchange, research stays, professional collaboration in research and teaching, exchange of experiences and more, St?len explains.  

UiO is also hoping to launch an initiative called Global University College, which is intended to be a global service for refugees and internally displaced persons so that they can have offers of higher education where they are staying.  

– The idea is that universities, both at home and abroad, contribute with components that together can make up different teaching offers. In the long run, this can make a big difference for Palestinian academic environments, says St?len.

 Read the full protocol with measures here  (Norwegian only)


Published May 16, 2024 1:46 PM - Last modified May 16, 2024 2:19 PM