CuttingEdgeAI with Stuart Russell - a Kavli Prize Week Special

Welcome to an exciting event about AI.

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Photo: NORA

The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, in collaboration with The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA), is hosting CuttingEdgeAI, a special event during the Kavli Prize Week.

The Norwegian Government has launched a large AI research initiative, where one of the pillars is research on the consequences of AI and other digital technologies for society. As we celebrate The Kavli Prize and groundbreaking research, it is timely to reflect upon how scientific discoveries impact society. What are the implications of discoveries? How can they benefit humanity, while avoiding any unintended consequences? How do researchers involve the public?

CuttingEdgeAI features keynote speaker Stuart Russell, Professor and formerly Chair of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and co-director of the Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public at UC Berkeley, and Professor of Computational Precision Health at the University of California, San Francisco, who will address the implications of AI. Other AI researchers will provide highlights and insights into the opportunities and implications of AI in the Norwegian society. Torkild Jemterud, science journalist and radio host, Norwegian Broadcasting Cooperation, will moderate panel discussions.

The University Aula hosts 400 guests. The event is free and open to the public. 

The event will be live-streamed on the front page of our website, Later, you will also be able to find it on our YouTube-channel.

Registration is required for those attending in person.

Register for the event

Live stream

Follow CuttingEdgeAI with Stuart Russell - a Kavli Prize Week Special online.

During your visit

For the sake of the art, there is a requirement to use the cloakroom. Therefore, we kindly ask you to hang your outerwear there. It is also not allowed to bring food and drinks into the Aula.

If you need an elevator or any other accommodations, please contact us at: + 47 90 13 17 55.

About the University Aula

The University Aula, the traditional ceremonial hall of the University of Oslo, has been hosting art and cultural experiences for over 100 years, and some of our best performers still grace its stage. The program at the Aula also includes lectures, literary conversations, and "Open Aula" events. Here, you can explore the 11 original Munch paintings that decorates the hall. The Aula is located on University Square in the city centre of Oslo, where three beautiful old buildings are situated, with Domus Media in the middle. The Aula is located inside this building.

Curious about what's happening here? Follow "Universitetsplassen - UiO" on Facebook for exciting updates.

You can also find the program for the Aula on our website.

Published Aug. 28, 2024 9:58 AM - Last modified Sep. 3, 2024 10:42 AM