Research ethics, falsification and plagiarism

Increasing scientific misconduct, such as falsification and plagiarism, threaten to undermine science and the public trust in research. In this open meeting, three experts will discuss these issues.

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Photo: UiO

Falsification, plagiarism and other types of scientific misconduct, driven partly by increasing competition and publication pressure, cause severe problems for universities and society, threatening to undermine science itself as well as the public trust in research. 

In this open meeting, two experts from the USA and UK will share their experiences and thoughts about these trends, their causes, and how they can be counteracted.  The presentations will be followed by time for questions and discussion.

You will meet:

  • Prof. David Sanders, Purdue University, Indiana, USA
  • Dr. Nick Wise, University of Cambridge, UK
  • Dr. Morten Oksvold, tidl. kreftforsker ved Oslo Universitetssykehus 


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Published Nov. 5, 2024 8:50 AM - Last modified Nov. 12, 2024 11:27 AM