Talking to Machines – The Future of Speech-to-Text

This event will explore the fascinating technology that turns spoken language into written text, known as speech-to-text or Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR).

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Whether it’s for creating transcriptions, assisting voice assistants, or improving accessibility, speech-to-text technology plays a key role in transforming how we interact with machines and process information. 

During this session, we will provide insights into the current advancements and challenges of speech-to-text technology, with examples from real-world applications in fields like customer service, healthcare, and media. You’ll hear from industry leaders and researchers in the field, as they share their experiences and discuss future directions for this technology. 

A special focus will be on the?Norwegian Whisper model, trained by the National Library of Norway. This model is tailored specifically to the Norwegian language, offering improved transcription accuracy and voice recognition for Norwegian speakers. It is a step forward in making speech-to-text technology more inclusive and effective for smaller languages, ensuring that linguistic and cultural nuances are preserved. 


What to expect: 

  • Keynote presentation: Introduction to speech-to-text technology, with a focus on the Norwegian Whisper model and its unique contributions to local language processing. 
  • Panel discussion: Experts will discuss the real-world applications and challenges of speech-to-text, such as recognizing different dialects and improving accuracy in noisy environments. We’ll also explore how the Norwegian Whisper model enhances accessibility for Norwegian speakers. 
  • Hands-on demo: Live demonstration of the Norwegian Whisper model in action, showcasing its practical use in various industries like healthcare, media, and customer service. 

Join us at this edition of CuttingEdgeAI to learn more about how speech-to-text is shaping our digital future and opening new possibilities for communication and accessibility!


The event is free and open to all. Sign up via the link below.

Go to registration

You can also follow the event via streaming. The streaming will begin when the event starts.


Accessibility during your visit

If you need an elevator or any other form of assistance when visiting us, please call this number upon arrival: + 47 90 13 17 55.

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See full program for Domus Bibliotheca here
Published Nov. 5, 2024 1:31 PM - Last modified Nov. 5, 2024 1:31 PM