Norwegian version of this page

Office for Legal Services (FIADMJT)

The section provides legal guidance and advice to university management, faculties, institutes and researchers in matters related to research and innovation.

Main tasks include

  • Negotiations and advice in connection to externally financed research projects
  • Legal advice in connection to the establishment of research centres and research infrastructure. 
  • Legal support for UiO within the realm of innovation. 
  • Handling of agreements connected to EU's funding programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe.
  • Requirements and procedures in connection to other kinds of research funding, such as NORHED, 1foundations and American programmes.
  • General legal advice related to UiO's framework regulations, including the universities and university colleges act, public administration act, research ethics act and IPR legislation
  • corporate governance, including reporting to DBH
  • Secretariate for the Research Ethics Committee and Immaterialitetsutvalget

Please contact us at



Postal address Postboks 1072 Blindern, 0316 Oslo Visiting address Problemveien 7 Lucy Smiths hus 2.etg 0313 Oslo

Unit codes

Cost center 36301500 Purchasing, finance, salary and more Old unit ID 364030 Vortex, FS and more