The Science Ombud at UiO
The Science Ombud is an independent and impartial authority for all academic staff at the University of Oslo, for issues and disputes concerning good scientific practice, research integrity and research ethics.
How can we help you?
- Provide you with insight into research ethics, norms, and regulations
- Provide guidance and confidential advice on issues of scientific integrity
- Help resolve cases early and at the lowest possible level
- E-mail:
- Tel: 22857034
The Office of the Science Ombud is located in the Lucy Smith building – 6th floor
Our mandate
The University Board erected the position of The Science Ombud with a mandate. The mandate describes the function, role, and tasks of The Science Ombud.
Laws, guidelines, norms
Research ethics is shaped and regulated by various laws, guidelines, and norms, including the Norwegian Research Ethics Act, the University's guidelines for good scientific practices and guidelines from the Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees.
The University has implemented various measures to prevent and handle violations of good scientific practices and research ethics. In particular, these include tools to attend to proper research conduct, Committee for the Investigation of Research Misconduct, and plagiarism detection.
Here you will find tips on literature about research values, normative standards, and complicated deliberations.